
  1. R

    sarms for those avoiding steroids?

    Do you think it’s practical to body build just by using sarms if you want to avoid using steroids for fear of side effects and getting a stroke? I’m currently 5’9’’ 187 pounds and 22 years old. Don’t want to croak in my 40’s of a heart attack at all my plan is using sarms for the next 10 years...
  2. yourmuscleshop

    Where To Buy Telmisartan Online

    What is Telmisartan?This medicine is used to lower blood pressure (hypertension). Telmisartan is a member of the angiotensin receptor blocker medication class (ARBs) How it Works? With Telmisartan blood vessels are relaxed as a result of its action, allowing for easier blood flow. Why it is...
  3. B

    Steroid use and stroke

    I’m 43 and am 2 weeks into recovery from a stroke. The biggest contributing factor was my steroid use. Has this happened to anyone else? I am trying to figure out how to navigate, any suggestions or stories would be appreciated.
  4. H

    First Time IGF - Side Effect Help

    I am taking 2x250mg test E and 2x200mg tren E jabs a week. I am taking IGF1-lr3 (SOMEDIN-LR3) 200mcg 1 jab in the stomach every day, 1/4 of the vile (2ml water added to the vile, 1 vile = 4 days). I plan on doing this for 4 weeks, stop for 4 weeks, then again for 4 weeks. I've never used IGF...
  5. drtbear1967

    Battle Ropes - How to!

    Like any other exercise, load matters. If you allow more slack in the ropes (by stepping forward) you'll be forced to work with the weight of the rope itself. Stretching them out tight doesn't allow for any actual weight to be loaded on the movement of your arm strokes. . Grab the ropes, walk...
  6. Iron Game

    PED : The Truth Part 3 of 3

    TEAM MD Third of a three-part series Muscular Development covers the bodybuilding industry better than anyone else on the planet, because we educate readers on how to build muscle, burn fat and enhance performance through all means possible. Chemical enhancement is no chump-change player in...
  7. Iron Game

    New study on testosterone replacement

    New study finds testosterone replacement therapy does not increase heart risk. A new study of generally healthy men who used testosterone replacement therapy to normalize testosterone levels has found that taking supplemental testosterone does not increase their risk of experiencing a heart...
  8. Presser

    Clenbuterol Increases Stroke Power and Contractile Speed of Skeletal Muscle

    Clenbuterol Increases Stroke Power and Contractile Speed of Skeletal Muscle for Cardiac Assist [*=left]M. Petrou, FRCS; [*=left]S. Clarke, BSc; [*=left]K. Morrison, PhD; [*=left]C. Bowles, PhD; [*=left]M. Dunn, PhD; [*=left]M. Yacoub, FRCS +Author Affiliations <address style="margin: 0px...
  9. big in vegas

    Is Diet soda linked to heart, stroke risk??

    Study Suggests Connection Between Drinking Diet Soda and Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke by Charlene Laino WebMD Health News You may feel less guilty if you opt for diet sodas over sugary beverages, but drinking them regularly may raise your risk of heart attack and stroke, a study suggests...