July 14 - July 18th
Tbol 10mg TABS, 100ct ONLY
One of the most under-rated orals that has multi-functionalities for all sorts of physical performances and strenuous activities, including body-building.
Tbol can truly exhibit growth properties, yet it's better suited...
Hello fellow bodybuilders
Just curious if someone has run a cycel like or close to this
1-8 tend 2 times a week= 300mg
1-12 sustanon350 1 a week = 500mg
9-12 t-bol ever day = 50mg
Pct colmid 14-16
I have a trend mix. With trend A and E. 75mg/ml
Feed back would be great.
Alright guys I started using a TRT level & used to make my own tren when I was 19.
At 19 I did 2 cycles. Off for a couple years, I had naturally very high Test & libido those years so I never saw or noticed a difference when I went off bc I was still growing & I could have cum 12 times in a day...
I done a few cycles, test, tren , mast, t-bol, d-bol. I have a question about low dose d-bol say 20-25 mg everyday. What is the longest time you guys have ran it.
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