
  1. L

    using sustanon and tbol together

    looking to do a nice light cycle nothing too drastic I don’t want my co-workers to suspect I’m on anything. My plan is sustanon 500mgs a week tbol 40mgs a day 12 weeks perhaps, or I could push it to 16 weeks what do you think? I’m 25 years old and this will be my first cycle so I’m really...
  2. J

    what do you like more between anavar and tbol and why?

    Looking to do lean muscle mass and a mild cycle I mostly stick to the gym but I also do some cardio 50 years old and I have been using steroids off and on for 10 or 15 years 225 pounds and I’m six foot three if you had to pick between anavar and tbol to add to my existing trt which would you...
  3. Y

    using tbol as a female.

    What would you think would work best for using tbol as a female? Heard this stuff was really good especially by females who were competing at the sports level. Tbol comes in tablet form and I would need to know what dosage to use? I want to build lean muscle and lose some body fat. I’m 5’6’’ 155...
  4. B

    Injectable orals such as var, tbol, dbol, drol in oil with out any harsh solvents and the basics of possible, even if low dose

    Does any one have a recipe or recipes for these separately in oil for injection. I use Mct or whatever necessary but hoping to avoid guac or eo? I don’t mind them thick as long as they are good enough to hold and pass through a pin. Thanks
  5. Vision

    Purity Source labs Tbol 10mg TABS only 5 DAY SALE LIMITED TIME July 14 - July 18th

    5 DAY SALE LIMITED TIME July 14 - July 18th Tbol 10mg TABS, 100ct ONLY One of the most under-rated orals that has multi-functionalities for all sorts of physical performances and strenuous activities, including body-building. Tbol can truly exhibit growth properties, yet it's better suited...
  6. yourmuscleshop

    Which oral steroid is mainly used by female lifter

    Which oral steroid is mainly used by female lifter 1 - Dianabol ( DBOL ) 2 - Anavar ( VAR ) 3 - Turinabol ( TBOL ) 4 - Winstrol ( Winny)
  7. Steroidify Rep

    🇺🇸 Never Seen Before Promo - 35% Off Plus Buy 5 Get 1 Free From Our US Pharmacom Warehouse 🇺🇸

    Probably the best promo ever done on the best brand US local Pharmacom warehouse with a huge re-stock 35% OFF plus "buy 5 get 1 free" Use promocode: "PHLWIKI-35" No one has ever seen a promo like this New dosages available: 25mg Tbol, 25mg Dbol, 25mg Anavar and 25mg Winny. 🥳 PHARMACOM...
  8. J

    Updated Caps & Tabs list

    King Labs Caps & Tablets Pro Cutter 25mg 50 count 12.5mg Winstrol/12.5mg Anavar Pro Cutter Xtreme 50 mg 50 count 25mg Winstrol/25 mg Anavar Dbol Pills 50mg 50 count Dbol Pills 25mg 50 count Anadrol Caps 50mg 50 count Anadrol Pills 50mg 50 count Winstrol Pills 10mg 50 count Winstrol Caps...
  9. J

    King's AAS Tabs & Caps List

    King Labs AAS Caps & Tablets Pro Cutter 25mg 50 count 12.5mg Winstrol/12.5mg Anavar Pro Cutter Xtreme 50 mg 50 count 25mg Winstrol/25 mg Anavar Dbol Pills 50mg 50 count Dbol Pills 25mg 50 count Anadrol Caps 50mg 50 count Anadrol Pills 50mg 50 count Winstrol Pills 10mg 50 count Winstrol...
  10. J

    Complete list

    This list does not include bulk offers or discounts . Email for a list with prices, bulk offers and discounts INJECTABLES 10ml Test Enanthate 250mg/ml…. Test Cypionate 200mg/ml…. Test Prop 100mg/ml…. Test 400-200mg TE /200mg TC…. Deca 250mg/ml…. Sustanon 250mg/ml…. Equipoise 250mg/ml…...
  11. drtbear1967


    TurinabolTurinabol or Tbol is an oral steroid which gained most of its notoriety in the ‘90s. It is actually a derivative of Dianobol, so follows some of its characteristics, however, a milder version. It doesn’t aromatize and gains are a little more subtle. Tbol has a much broader appeal when...
  12. J


    25mg tbol is now added to the list. Go to kinglabs.online to place your order.
  13. J


    !!SALE SALE SALE!! We are running a sale on 10mg tbol and black tops hgh. This sale will end May 14th. Go to kinglabs.online to see the prices and to place your order!!
  14. Phill

    Euro-Pharmacies GOLD Series TD - Anadrol Tbol Inj

  15. Metal85

    Please put some input on Heavy use to TRT to no use

    Alright guys I started using a TRT level & used to make my own tren when I was 19. At 19 I did 2 cycles. Off for a couple years, I had naturally very high Test & libido those years so I never saw or noticed a difference when I went off bc I was still growing & I could have cum 12 times in a day...
  16. Dean Destructo

    Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

    Started out Winny/Anavar cycle right now I am at 50mg Var, 30mg Tbol, 30mg winny
  17. A

    Got sick with ancillaries

    Need help again started the cycle few weeks ago, the goal was to use minimal gear and no ai but before starting I don't know y I got greedy , anyways started with 700mg test e first week, 500test second week with 40 mg tbol throughout, no AI, by day 10 got a corn sized lump in right nipple...
  18. drtbear1967

    Personal Log - EQ - Test E and Tbol

    So I have been working on a lean bulk for the last several weeks. Have had to train around some injures but very happy with the results so far. Been running 600 Test e, 600 EQ and 50mg of Tbol ( on training days) Tbol is no joke and the pumps are insane. The EQ is just starting to kick in...
  19. M

    New Cycle Soon

    Hello everyone, So this will be my next cycle, would love to hear what you guys think about it : Goal is to add mass New cycle Week 1-16: Test E 600mg / w Week 1-6: Anadrol 50mg ed Week 1-6: NPP 500 /w Week 8 - 13 Tren A 50mg ( first time ever using tren ) total 6 weeks only Adex 0.5mg...
  20. blacktail

    Anavar or tbol

    I have 100 Tbol on hand now and would only need to get 100 more. If I was to go with anavar I would have to get 200. I want to run one at the end of my bulk of test, npp and anadrol witch will be 12 or maybe 14 weeks. Looking to harden up and hopefully loose a few lbs of fat in the gut. not set...