
  1. N

    Napsgear Napsgear: How To Track Alcohol For Macros

    Alcohol is a big part of so many people's social lives and lifestyles, and many turn to their nightcap as a way to unwind. So much so that it's often a reason people use for why they "can't" start living a healthier lifestyle. We hear things like "I can't give up drinking," "What if I want to...
  2. N

    How to Get Back on Track When You’ve Fallen Off the Fitness Train

    It happens to the best of us. Sometimes you get caught up, life gets in the way, your schedule changes, you lose motivation, or a cheat day turns into weeks or longer, and you haven’t picked yourself back up. And that’s okay. It’s time to dust yourself off and get out of this rut. You can do it...
  3. D

    If you could go back in and time thread

    As the title says what would you change if you went back in time I’m sure we all made many mistakes trial and errors One of Mine I didn’t eat enough and always though 1 chicken breast was enough protein I then lived purely on protein shakes until I researched more on nutrition and began...
  4. Steroidify Rep

    Chinese holidays and its perks - Update

    Hello everyone. As we know, every year during the Chinese New Year, some orders coming out of that area are delayed and trackings take a while to show updates. It's part of this business and totally expected. Of course, with the pandemic, things can get a bit slower than what we're used to...
  5. Phill


    This is the first step: order in! I've made an order. For now everything has gone smoothly and quickly. Their support responded right away. gentle and effective. really satisfied. Now I wait for tracking number and when I receive there will be a nice pornographic photo. Keep your eyes...
  6. Steroidify Rep

    COVID-19 Shipping Update

    Thanks to our multiple warehouses across the world, we are still able to dispatch to all countries, however sudden changes may intervene at any time causing delays, like governmental restrictions, cancelling of airline flights, cargo disinfection or lack of logistic and handling personnel...
  7. drtbear1967

    Fitness Trackers Accuracy

    Wearable fitness trackers are becoming increasingly popular as a means of tracking physical activity, heart rate and even sleep patterns, but studies show some surprising facts about the reliability of these devices. . A review of 22 studies on fitness trackers found that step counting was most...
  8. Presser

    BUY 2 SARM GET 3rd FREE Plus Free Muscle Thredz

    As Part of Our Anniversary Sale To Help Celebrate 19 Years Online We Are Offering The Following Special: BUY 2 SARM Get 3rd FREE Orders Will Receive a Free Muscle Thredz T-shirt! Visit us @ MuscleChemistry, Advanced Supplements All Orders Are Caught Up and NO Shipping Delays! That Said, To...
  9. drtbear1967

    You have to put in the work.

    One of the most underused muscle-building habits is keeping track of progress. If you want to build the most muscle in the shortest amount of time possible, you need to measure your success. In the kitchen this means, yes, tracking your calories. I understand that it's inexact, a pain in the...
  10. drtbear1967

    Does the Scale Lie?

    Does the Scale Lie? I was going to title this post, “The Scale Is a Liar” and that’s it. Then I saw that articles on this subject have already been written by the dozens. After skimming through them however, I was shocked to see how many of them were giving the wrong advice: “Throw...
  11. jamy

    order Arl

    hello all I place an order on January 27 at Arl. Since not new, the western union was removed but I have not received packages. No tracking number, no news at all. After four emails I can not wait any longer. what to do please best regards