tren ace

  1. M

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  4. R

    Cycle help

    Hey guys. Looking for some help building my cycle. I’ve done 7-8 cycles before. 5”10 205 I have 2000mg of tren a, 2000mg of test p, 5000 mg of test cyp and 75 20mg anavar Let me know what you think the best stack will be please Thank You Rangers Lead The Way
  5. Presser

    Tren Cycle

    A lot more to consider when putting together a Trenbolone enanthate cycle then a trenbolone acetate cycle or trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate aka as parabolan to todays younger generation of bodybuilders. Most important factor is your blood pressure, and your overall health condition at the...
  6. Y

    Tren ace + test prop cycle

    Greetings fellow lifters! Kindly give your input about the following cycle I wish to pursue. Week 1-8 : Test prop 100mg EOD + Tren ace 75mg EOD Week 4-8 : HCG 500iu per week Week 1-8 : Cardarine 1 cap ED PCT: Week 1: 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva ED Week 2: 50mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva ED Week 3...
  7. B

    How's everybody else's head on tren ace?

    So I'm just starting my third week of prop/tren ace 100/100 EOD and I'm just wondering if I'm actually starting to go crazy.. I'm depressed one minute angry the next and I'm constantly feeling insecure about my wife and how she feels about me. We've always been good we have three kids together...

    *** Pics of a batch of fresh RAWS *** Landmarkchem / 2016-1-1

  9. B

    Out of breath on tren ace

    When you use tren ace, do you find you get out of breath easily? I find at higher doses, I get out of breath very easily when trying to do heavier exercises such as squats. I'll do my first 20 rep set, and then I'm practically wheezing trying to catch my breath (then again, I'm also in my...
  10. L

    8 weeks Test P, Tren Ace, Anavar

    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and I'd like to know your thoughts about my upcoming cycle (8 weeks only - Traveling afterwards.) week 1-8 : test prop 100mg EOD week 1-6 : Tren ace 75mg EOD week 3-8 : Anavar 60mg ED Week 2-7 : HCG 500 iu x2 / week (7 days before PCT) LETRO on hand (Adex...
  11. A

    Tren Ace Test Cyp & PCT

    I have a question regarding these two compounds. I'm on a cycle taking 50mg of tren (weekly) with 250mg of test cyp. Unfortunately, I listened to my fu*# tard friend taking both anabolics on my first cycle (should have done more research of my own). What i'm noticing is that just about...
  12. B

    Tren amounts in a cycle

    I think there are a lot out there who have done 150mg of tren ace per week (50mg eod), but how many out there have done 300mg/week, and what was your experience with it, what did you gain, etc.? I've never done that amount, but I've wanted to try it since I do well with tren.