Trenbolone Only Cycle:
Trenbolone, often referred to as "Tren," is a powerful anabolic steroid known for its significant effectiveness in muscle gain, fat loss, and enhanced physical performance. It's a favorite among bodybuilders and athletes for its potent anabolic and androgenic effects...
A lot more to consider when putting together a Trenbolone enanthate cycle then a trenbolone acetate cycle or trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate aka as parabolan to todays younger generation of bodybuilders.
Most important factor is your blood pressure, and your overall health condition at the...
I wanted to pass my three week experience of B-12 IMJ's.
I've been preparing my body for the upcoming 12week cycle of Tren Ace. After reading several 100 pages of BroScience on SE of Tren the reduction in my cardio from the use of Tren is something I want to reduce as much as possible.
Can You Just do Trenbolone?
This has become an increasingly common question amongst body builders, weight lifters and athletes who run cycles of Trenbolone and different anabolic steroids. With much advertised listings of various side-effects and warning labels posted on the bottles, these...
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I have a question regarding these two compounds. I'm on a cycle taking 50mg of tren (weekly) with 250mg of test cyp. Unfortunately, I listened to my fu*# tard friend taking both anabolics on my first cycle (should have done more research of my own).
What i'm noticing is that just about...
These days, there probably isn’t a BB’r alive that hasn’t heard of trenbolone. In today’s drug circles, it has attained nearly super-hero status as an anabolic agent. “Nectar of the gods”…“A steroid on steroids”…and “indispensable” are just some of the terms which have been used to describe this...
These days, there probably isn’t a BB’r alive that hasn’t heard of trenbolone. In today’s drug circles, it has attained nearly super-hero status as an anabolic agent. “Nectar of the gods”…“A steroid on steroids”…and “indispensable” are just some of the terms which have been used to describe this...
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