1. P

    Disputed Claim cloudy testosterone normal?

    Just got my ugfreak order in. the testosterone I got from them says para pharma and its very cloudy it was sitting in my mailbox for about 3 or 4 days because I was out of town at a wedding and when I grabbed it on my mailbox and opened it up the vials were kind of Cloudy inside I don’t think...
  2. N

    Disputed Claim $25 to ship is outrageous

    I’m sorry I don’t mean to be one of those people but in this situation I gotta be up front and honest I think it’s ridiculous that ugfreak charges $25 to ship their products. It’s not fair and it’s not right it turns out that they ship the product from one state over if you just regularly ship...
  3. M why am I not turning into Arnold?

    Serious question. I’ve been on ugfreak products for the past 8 weeks. I’m using tren, winstrol, and masteron. I should be looking like Arnold by now but I’m not. The improvements are very subtle and not that great. I’m using their tren E and doing 150mgs a week, winstrol 20mgs a day and masteron...
  4. B

    Disputed Claim testosterone no good?

    So I got no evidence of this so I don’t want to jump to conclusions just wanted to throw it out there. I’ve been using testosterone from ugfreak and I’m just not feeling the changes yet. I’ve done testosterone before and I know that it usually hits me like a ton of bricks and my libido goes...
  5. V dirty gear or am I crazy?

    I’m going kind of crazy using these steroids and its making me upset. After I injected products I started to see spiders crawling on me at night. Last night I got up and grabbed my bat and started Slamming the bed with it trying to kill them. My roommate ran in the room and was like...
  6. Z seasick on their products

    I’ve been using ugfreak products for the past 4 weeks. I’m on their tren and test. Doing 500mgs of the tren and 750mgs of the test. I went out on a boat cruise and I got extremely seasick on their products this has never happened to me before I like to go out on the cruise and do some gambling...
  7. M finishing up cycle, not that happy

    so I was expecting much more from this cycle, wanted to get some feedback on if the gear was no good or if I just suck. Did some test, deca, and tren on this stack. Was expecting much more then the results I got with para pharma products! Only put on 8 pounds and only gained moderate strength...
  8. V something doesn’t seem right

    so I am about to start using products and something just doesn’t smell right to me. I mean how can anybody and any Source have 100% positive reviews? Seems like it’s too good to be true. This morning I was on my patio drinking some coffee and I had this syringe sitting there that I...