1 month massive transformation cycle

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Say in 5 weeks you've got something BIG.... and you are willing to go balls out to be in the best possible shape. What would you do? It's 5 weeks and money is no object. Let's hear it.
NPP 100mg eod
test prop 150mg eod
mast prop 200mg eod
anavar 100mg Ed
igf-1 100mcgs a day

Never used tren and don't plan on it but I'd imagine that would be a great addition !

you ?
For me it would be simple.
300mg of test a week, but I would do 500mg of test prop the first two weeks to Jumpstart
80mcg of IGF daily
250mg of DNP daily for 1 week then 500 a day for the next 2 weeks.
600mg of Masteron weekly and I'd do 75mg of Proviron daily the first 2 weeks as well
The last 2 weeks I would do ECA 3 times a day
For the 3 weeks I was on DNP I would train with weights twice a week. Very controlled and light
Then 3 times a week the remaining weeks using moderate weights
If you can stomach melanotan I would do that as well.
I would do cardio DAILY at no less than 45 minutes a day...
I'm actually working on getting a little pre cruise stock going so I can follow this prior to the cruise. I'd love to get down to a super lean 225.

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NPP 100mg eod
test prop 150mg eod
mast prop 200mg eod
anavar 100mg Ed
igf-1 100mcgs a day

Never used tren and don't plan on it but I'd imagine that would be a great addition !

you ?

Oh... ya Prop would be a much better choice. Most of the orals like Var don't seem to do much for me. Masteron and Proviron however... bullets would ricochet off me
6 iu genotropin hgh
10 iu Humalog post work only
600mg week EQ, all at one time
100mg every day Trenbolone Acetate
100mg every day masterone
300 mg week Test prop
100 mg anadrol every day including off days. Preferably injectable anadrol.
My emphasis would be on DNP and cardio not AAS. I would keep those low except for hardening drugs. I could inject 3 bottles a week and not gain hardly anything in 5 weeks... but with some DNP I could get lean!
I guess I should've specified... this is for something OTHER than a bodybuilding show...
I would use some Syntherol too...

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150 mg t prop ed
150'tren a ed
150'drol ed
12 iu slin ed

Holy smokes! Not 5 weeks to live!
For me Test p 100mg eod Tren ace 100mg eod and mast p 150 eod along with 120 mcg clen ed for last 3 weeks and 6o mins cardio and you will shed the pounds
For me Test p 100mg eod Tren ace 100mg eod and mast p 150 eod along with 120 mcg clen ed for last 3 weeks and 6o mins cardio and you will shed the pounds

That would certainly be sick for those not interested in DNP. Other than me no one has mentioned it... why?
Me personally it just scares the shit out of me...... Lol. like anything I'm sure if used properly it can be somewhat safe I'd just rather not risk it being possibly overdosed and since it's not being manufactured by a pharmaceutical company theirs no way of knowing for sure
If money was no object, I'd be including some real myostatin inhibitor in whatever I did, at least 1 gram. The real stuff is just so damn expensive!
If money was no object, I'd be including some real myostatin inhibitor in whatever I did, at least 1 gram. The real stuff is just so damn expensive!

Dude I think 5mg of legit Follistatin and 5mg of ACE a week would be a massive game changer...
If money was no object it would be pharma grade hgh 5iu morning- cardio and 5 iu before bed. Pharma hgh is what is so expensive other than that cost really isnt that much of an issue.

Agree with the other stacks above.

Money is not always the stoping point it is availability of some legit products that is hard to come by.
My emphasis would be on DNP and cardio not AAS. I would keep those low except for hardening drugs. I could inject 3 bottles a week and not gain hardly anything in 5 weeks... but with some DNP I could get lean!
I guess I should've specified... this is for something OTHER than a bodybuilding show...
I would use some Syntherol too...

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Holy smokes! Not 5 weeks to live!
This would be about what I would do, you wouldn't accomplish a whole lot bulking but you could shred up real nice in 5 weeks for sure!

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