10 Best Natural Pre-Workouts of 2024

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The best pre-workout supplements can provide physical and cognitive benefits, but formulations tend to vary wildly, with many containing artificial sweeteners, colors, dyes, and additives that may blunt their overall impact. Since more and more athletes are looking for clean supplements, we tasked ourselves with curating a list of the best natural pre-workouts on the market. Over the...
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The best pre-workout supplements can provide physical and cognitive benefits, but formulations tend to vary wildly, with many containing artificial sweeteners, colors, dyes, and additives that may blunt their overall impact. Since more and more athletes are looking for clean supplements, we tasked ourselves with curating a list of the best natural pre-workouts on the market.

Over the years, our team of fitness professionals has tested over 65 pre-workouts, singling out their favorite formulations with naturally-sourced ingredients. During testing, the certified personal trainers, weightlifting coaches, nutrition coaches, and CrossFit trainers at BarBend rated each pre-workout on a scale of a 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), taking into account factors such as formulation, taste, side effects, and more. Furthermore, our picks have been verified by a registered dietician to ensure each brand’s formulation is as natural as they claim. Here are our picks for the best natural pre-workouts.

10 Best Natural Pre-Workouts of 2024

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine.

How We Tested the Best Natural Pre-Workouts

Our testing team consists of competitive weightlifters, nutrition coaches, certified personal trainers, CrossFit trainers, endurance athletes, and weightlifting coaches. We have tested over 65 pre-workouts across several years, researching the ingredients and consulting registered dieticians. To help convey the benefits and drawbacks of each product, we’ve developed a rating methodology that takes into account factors such as value, formulation, taste, third-party testing, solubility, side effects, and even a brand’s customer service.

Throughout our testing, we asked the same questions you’re asking. What’s the cost-to-value ratio? Does each pre-workout contain effective doses of each ingredient? How does it taste? What’s going on with that proprietary blend? Are there any side effects? The list below is the result of numerous workouts completed by actual fitness professionals to bring you the best information to choose the best natural pre-workout for you.

Best Overall Natural Pre-Workout: Legion Athletics Pulse

Legion Pulse Pre-Workout


Legion Pulse Pre-Workout

This pre-workout supplement can come with or without caffeine and in 16 different flavors. Each serving provides 350 milligrams of L-theanine and eight grams of citrulline, which may facilitate better pumps.

Shop Legion


  • Price Per Serving: $1.71

  • Servings Per Container: 20

  • Caffeine Per Serving: 350mg

  • Key Ingredients: L-citrulline malate, beta-alanine, betaine anhydrous, L-theanine, alpha-GPC, sodium, potassium, calcium

  • Flavors: Fruit Punch, Blue Raspberry, Green Apple, Tropical Punch


  • Its natural formulation is expertly balanced to promote muscle endurance, power, and energy.

  • The electrolytes in the formula — potassium, sodium, calcium — can boost hydration.

  • It is free from all artificial ingredients, including added sugars.


  • Pulse contains 350 milligrams of caffeine per serving, roughly 50 to 200 milligrams more than many pre-workouts. (1)

  • At $1.71 per serving, Pulse falls on the higher end of the $0.80 to $2 range of most pre-workouts.

  • Our tester noted that the natural sweeteners produced a bit of a bitter taste.

We chose Legion Athletics Pulse Pre-Workout as our best overall natural pre-workout because of its balanced mix of all-natural ingredients in clinically effective doses. Its formula contains zero artificial sweeteners, food dyes, or flavors, and Legion cites 54 peer-reviewed scientific studies in support of the formula’s ingredient and dose combination. Pulse has also been independently third-party tested and certified for purity.

Registered Dietician Chelsea Rae Bourgeois was impressed by the formula when reviewing it for BarBend. “I was impressed to see all the clinical research backing a natural pre-workout like this.” she said. “Having no artificial sweeteners or dyes also stood out to me.”

While its 350-milligram caffeine count is high compared to the average range of 150 to 300 milligrams, it is balanced with a 1:1 ratio of L-theanine for a smooth energy boost, followed by a gentle comedown. (2) “I’m a huge fan of the 1:1 ratio of L-theanine to caffeine,” said Bourgeois. “However, a cup of coffee contains about 95 milligrams of caffeine, so 350 milligrams per serving could be intolerable for some people,” The good news? Legion also has a caffeine-free option.

Legion Athletics Pulse in the BarBend gym.

Pulse also contains 8 grams of L-citrulline malate, which — with its 2:1 ratio of L-citrulline to malate — is on the high end of the clinically-effective dose. (3) This ingredient is common in pre-workouts because it is known to boost nitric oxide production, which promotes the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. (4) That means more relaxed blood vessels, allowing for improved blood flow and prolonged muscle endurance. (5)

Bourgeois rated the overall formulation 3.75 out of 5, saying, “I love that this product is tested by a third-party lab. That way, I can be sure that I’m getting exactly what’s advertised. There is also total transparency in the formula.” To promote hydration, it has electrolytes, calcium, potassium and sodium. That said, Bourgeois also noted, “I noticed the sodium content — 400 milligrams per serving — was not alarmingly high, still could be too much for some people.”

For taste, it uses three natural sweeteners: stevia, monk fruit, and erythritol. Our tester, a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, rated its taste a 4 out of 5, but noted that it might take some getting used to. They said, “I thought it tasted pretty sweet, but there was also a slightly bitter taste. Not terrible, just a little weird.”

Research suggests an effective daily dose of 4 to 6 grams of beta-alanine can delay muscle fatigue and help you pump out a few more reps. (7)(8) Although Pulse contains just under that range — 3.6 grams — Bourgeois noted that may help avoid the common skin-tingling sensation known as paresthesia. She said, “I was glad to see the 3.6 grams of beta-alanine. That amount has been proven to help increase exercise capacity without the itchy or tingling skin.

The formula also features 2.5 grams of betaine anhydrous, which, when taken daily over 10 to 15 days, has been shown to increase power output and force production. (9) It also includes 300 milligrams of alpha-GPC, a derivative of choline that acts as a nootropic. Research has shown that some possible benefits of nootropics — also known as “smart drugs” — include improved learning and memory in humans, especially in stressful situations, like during an intense workout. (10)

Legion Athletics Pulse Pre-Workout only comes with 20 servings per container, and our tester rated it just a 2 out of 5 for price per serving. The average range is around $0.80 to $2.00 per serving, so while it’s not the most expensive pre-workout we have tested, it is on the pricier end. However, it was still our pick for best overall natural pre-workout because we believe — even at $1.71 per serving — it gives you the best bang for your buck.

Best Natural Pre-Workout for Focus: Onnit Alpha Brain

Onnit Alpha Brain Pre-Workout


Onnit Alpha Brain Pre-Workout

Onnit's pre-workout supplement offers focus-boosting ingredients, while giving your body a boost before you hit a tough training session. You can get this product in two unique flavors.

Shop Onnit


  • Price Per Serving: $3.00

  • Servings Per Container: 20

  • Caffeine Per Serving: 200mg

  • Key Ingredients: Caffeine, L-citrulline, beta-alanine, ashwagandha extract, African palm oil

  • Flavors: Tiger’s Blood, Yuzu Peach


  • It contains 225 milligrams of ashwagandha extract to promote mental clarity and focus.

  • The 1:1 ratio of 2.4 grams of L-citrulline and 2.4 grams beta-alanine can give you a good pump.

  • Its formula is completely sugar-free.


  • Each serving costs $3.00 — most pre-workouts range between $0.80 to $2.00 per serving.

  • It contains three proprietary blends, so we don’t know the exact amount of each ingredient in the blends.

  • It’s only available in two flavors: Tiger’s Blood and Yuzu Peach.

The Onnit Alpha Brain formula may look somewhat familiar because it includes common well-researched ingredients like L-citrulline, beta-alanine, and caffeine. However, what makes it our pick for the best natural pre-workout for focus is the 225 milligrams of ashwagandha extract. Here, it comes in a trademarked form called Noogandha that, according to Onnit, “supports mental agility, concentration, and mental processing speed.”

While research on ashwagandha is still relatively new, at least one study found it can improve physical performance. It can promote the mental clarity needed to power through tough workouts, and also act as an anti-stress agent. (11) This aligns with the experience our testers reported. One of those testers — a USA Weightlifting L-2 coach — said, “I thought that Alpha Brain brought great focus and clarity to my workout. Several people on my weightlifting team tried it with me and we were all in the zone.”

Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, R.D., also made note of the ashwagandha while reviewing it for BarBend. “Ashwagandha can help promote mental agility during stressful workouts, so I really like that this formula included it,” she said. While the 2.4 grams of L-citrulline is lower than the optimal research-backed level, Bourgeois pointed out, “If I was gearing up for an intense workout, the L-citrulline and beta-alanine combo would provide a great pump. Although, a lot of research indicates that you will see the most benefits from L-citrulline in doses of at least 3 grams.”

Our testers noted the mental clarity along with that pump she described. “I didn’t feel overly-stimulated — just a feeling of being present and ready to get to work,” one tester reported. “I didn’t feel any tingling with Onnit Alpha Brain, but another tester and I both got a great pump.”

This combination of muscle endurance and mental dexterity benefits may explain the high price point, which starts at $3 per serving. This is the most expensive pre-workout we tested, and while it only comes in containers of 20 servings, you can save 15% if you subscribe. It was unsurprising that our tester rated the price a 1 out of 5, but the fact that its overall score was still 4 out 5 speaks to the high marks in the other categories.

For taste — 4 out of 5 — our tester preferred the Tiger’s Blood flavor to Yuzu Peach, saying, “I thought the Tiger’s Blood flavor tasted like a coconut, watermelon, and strawberry mix. It was tropical.” We wish it came in more than two flavors, but for being a completely sugar-free pre-workout, we were pleasantly surprised by how much we liked the taste.

The formula earned a 3.25 out of 5 rating and the proprietary blends concerned Bourgeois. “I’m usually wary of supplements with proprietary blends, and Onnit Alpha Brain has three of them,” she explained. “Dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA, so it gives me pause because, while we can see the ingredients in each blend, we don’t know the amount of each one.”

Alpha Brain’s inclusion of their trademarked form of ashwagandha extract — Noogandha — sets this natural pre-workout apart because of the mental boost our testers experienced. It’s our top pick for focus because it also includes ingredients that promote blood flow and muscle endurance, like L-citrulline and beta-alanine.

Our testers agreed with Bourgeois when she summed it up, saying, “I think the combination of the mental benefits of ashwagandha with these well-known ingredients bodes well for rocking some tough workouts.”

Best Natural Pre-Workout for Muscle Gain: Transparent Labs BULK

Transparent Labs BULK


Transparent Labs BULK

Transparent Labs BULK contains all-natural ingredients and big doses of L-citrulline malate and beta-alanine to promote muscle gain for your next workout.

Shop Transparent Labs


  • Price Per Serving: $1.67

  • Servings Per Container: 30

  • Caffeine Per Serving: 200mg

  • Key Ingredients: Citrulline malate, beta-alanine, taurine, L-tyrosine, caffeine

  • Available Flavors: Cherry Kiwi, Blue Raspberry, Peach Mango, Sour Gummy, Black Cherry


  • The 2:1 ratio of 8 grams of L-citrulline malate and 4 grams of beta-alanine is a robust combo known to help promote muscle gain. (3)(12)

  • It contains powerful ingredients that promote focus — L-theanine and L-tyrosine — and hydration — vitamins B6 and B12. (13)(14)

  • All the ingredients in the formula are vegan-friendly.


  • There are proprietary blends in the formula, so we can’t be sure how much of each ingredient it contains.

  • If you’re on a high-sodium diet, the 180 milligrams in this formulation might be a lot. (15)

Transparent Labs BULK is a no-brainer pick for the best natural pre-workout for muscle gain because it can help you do just that — bulk up. Its formula is turbocharged with high doses of ingredients known to promote muscle gain. 8 grams of L-citrulline malate is at the upper end of the clinically-backed range of 6 to 8 grams for improved exercise performance, strength and muscle recovery. (12)(16) Combine that with 4 grams of beta-alanine and you can expect a nice pump and prolonged endurance to support muscle gain.

BarBend tester, Nick English, noted the doses of key ingredients when he tried it out. “I’ve tried a ton of pre-workouts and BULK has extra strong doses of some of the best-researched ingredients available,” he said.

In addition to the L-citrulline malate and beta-alanine, Transparent Labs BULK offers an impressive lineup of nutrients. It has zinc, L-tyrosine, and vitamins B6 and B12, as well as 360 milligrams of L-theanine and 180 milligrams of caffeine — a 2 to 1 ratio that has been shown to promote increased energy and reaction time. (17) “Transparent Labs BULK contains a list of rockstar ingredients,” Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, R.D. pointed out when testing this product for BarBend.

After using it for three workouts, our tester rated Transparent Labs BULK a 4 out of 5 overall, saying simply, “The pump was pumping.” The 4 grams of beta-alanine may cause a common pre-workout side effect: a skin-tingling sensation known as paresthesia. The average pre-workout contains around 3.6 grams — right in the middle of the research-backed daily range of 2 to 5 grams. You may feel some tingling like our tester did. (18) They said, “With other pre-workouts I’ve used, the tingles felt like I was burning on the inside, but not with BULK.”

Our tester mixing up a serving of Transparent Labs BULK in the BarBend gym.

There was some disagreement among our testers about the flavors and they rated the two they tried a 3.5 out of 5. One said, “There is a tame sweetness to the flavor, but I don’t really think it tastes like Strawberry Lemonade.” The other tried Blue Raspberry, saying, “I tried the Blue Raspberry it was spot on — delicious.”

Transparent Labs BULK is slightly high in sodium — 180 milligrams — compared to the daily recommended amount, but Bourgeois explained, “That much sodium isn’t a ton, but for anyone already on a high-sodium diet, I think it’s something to be aware of.” For comparison, the average sodium per serving across 25 popular brands — including Legion and Kaged — is only 50 mg. (19)

It’s common for pre-workouts to use proprietary blends of ingredients, but, as Bourgeois said, “Proprietary blends always give me a little pause because you don’t know exactly how much of each ingredient is in there.” One of those blends contains caffeine and L-theanine — a combination shown to promote an increase in energy and reaction time. (17)

That blend also includes tyrosine and Alpha-GPC to help promote mental focus. (13)(20) While more research is needed on tyrosine, it has been suggested that it may slow the depletion of adrenaline and dopamine during physical stress — like intense exercise. (21) Alpha-GPC has been shown to have cognitive benefits for exercise. One study suggests that in addition to increasing alertness, it may have a positive effect on motivation in humans. (20)

The $1.67 price per serving is slightly above the average range of $0.80 to $2.00, but we think it’s a great value. “Of all the pre-workouts I’ve used, this is my favorite so far,” our tester raved. “The focus was extreme, the tingles were minimal, and the flavor was good, too. I’ll definitely continue using it to push my workouts to the next level.”

Best Natural Pre-Workout for a Pump: Naked Nutrition Pre-Workout

Naked Nutrition Naked Energy



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