10 wks out


New member
here is a photo of me 10 wks out from the british champs on 19 0ct 2003, im 83kgms at the moment need to get down to about 76kgms to be shreded


  • chemmost musc.gif
    chemmost musc.gif
    439.9 KB · Views: 967
quick question, ur left leg looks much smaller, is it the angle, ? problems with the quad? or just a bad pic, no flame intended, i ask cuase i recently got some nerve damage to my left quad and lost the contraction ability on my outer lower sweep, hope my problem is temporary, but thought i would ask u bro
i think i just wasn", keep it hardcore!t squeezing both legs bro , i dont think i could lose another 22lbs m8 ,maybe if i cut my legs off LOL, thanks for the kind words guys it keeps you going when the diet gets you down
looking good chem1. How much more do you plan on cutting up? How many pounds? What r your stats.
thanks guys my stats are
5ft 2" ripped 76 to 79?kgs
biceps 171/2
legs 27"
calves 18"
waist 29"
iplan to drop about 9lbs from photo weight
Dont remember seeing you in the middleweights, where did you place in the end?

Sure I would remember you cos you look impressive.

There was a guy who qualified in Leicester who looks like you but I cant be sure!