10 years of no steroid use, now what?


New member
I’m 50 years old and it’s been 10 years since I used steroids
the reason I stopped using them was I had high blood pressure and my red blood cell count was really high and my doctor wanted me to come off. Since then I have been still training but not religiously like I was before
I’m looking to get back all in and start training my balls off again.
Which steroids do you recommend that I get on for lean muscle mass considering its been a while? I’m 205 lbs and 6’1”
have you gotten any bloodwork done recently? at 50 years old, i would think long and hard about the possible repercussions of using any steroid on your health.. sarms and/or peptides may be the better option to look at
I’m 50 years old and it’s been 10 years since I used steroids
the reason I stopped using them was I had high blood pressure and my red blood cell count was really high and my doctor wanted me to come off. Since then I have been still training but not religiously like I was before
I’m looking to get back all in and start training my balls off again.
Which steroids do you recommend that I get on for lean muscle mass considering its been a while? I’m 205 lbs and 6’1”
right now
jump on self TRT 200mgs test/week to start
and get bloods done