18 week out pics - Chris250


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Here you guys go, 18 week out pics to Jr.Nationals, and 9 weeks to Mr.Iowa/Midwest Championships.

good week of dieting, although it was tough. I was hungry, all week long. There was no end to the week, felt like it lasted forever. I ate alot (ALOT) of carbs yesterday, I would guess around 600-700 grams. But, still feel like I could be fuller in these pics. But, im not lean enough yet to be that full without holding a crapload of water. But its getting there, weight is now 245lbs. A good 5lbs less than last week.

Let me know what you all think ? good or bad, anything to help.
huge vein on ur fuckin back! damn guy how the hell did u get that? def cutting up
ive always had veins in my back. just something that my back had, everytime I get down to comp shape. i dont really know why, but I guess its a good thing. but it helps me to know where im at in conditioning. cause when my back is all veiny i know im in great shape:cool:
dude! amazing! your pretty cut already for being this far out!! where are you?- just above 10% body fat???
You are looking awesome bro! You always look bigger as you get leaner, but you really look bigger!
dude! amazing! your pretty cut already for being this far out!! where are you?- just above 10% body fat???

honestly I dont know...I would guess around 9-10% bodyfat...

but whatever im doing its working, not gonna change anything up for the next few days...thats the gameplan we got going...:bber: