20 week cycle finally decided

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I'm going to do
2g of test
600mg of Deca
100mg EOD of tren
70mcg of IGF
.5 Adex ED
I'll do this for 10 weeks then switch to
100mg ED of prop
50mg ED winstrol
100mg ED NPP
.5mg Adex ED
I'm thinking this will be a solid bulker and followed by a solid hardening cycle that I can continue to make great gains in lean tissue and strength. I'm pretty excited. I'll be starting as soon as these little strains are healed. Hoping to gain 10 solid pounds of muscle although I know that's a lofty goal. Going to be eating a lot of red meat and solid foods.
That's pretty heavy, looks expensive. Good luck with it though. Be sure to take some before and after pics and update us with your progress.
Looks like quite the cycle, good luck, bro, and keep us updated.
He looks to be around 255-260... but I haven't seen him get on the scale.

I have to agree with crg, though, Dude... it looks to be an expensive 20 weeks! lol

Hadn't trained in a week so I felt a little flat and since I couldn't train due to the injuries I cut back on my eating, but weight today was 246. It will probably be 2 - 3 weeks before I'm 100% and able to start so I'll get before pics. I learned a lot from my last cycle that was simply 3g of test with 60mcg, so I'm hoping to gain more quality seperated muscle as opposed to just filling up 3X and 4X shirts. Its a bit pricey, but you only live. Once and this is my love.
Hadn't trained in a week so I felt a little flat and since I couldn't train due to the injuries I cut back on my eating, but weight today was 246. It will probably be 2 - 3 weeks before I'm 100% and able to start so I'll get before pics. I learned a lot from my last cycle that was simply 3g of test with 60mcg, so I'm hoping to gain more quality seperated muscle as opposed to just filling up 3X and 4X shirts. Its a bit pricey, but you only live. Once and this is my love.

How do feel when you do doses that high ?
Hadn't trained in a week so I felt a little flat and since I couldn't train due to the injuries I cut back on my eating, but weight today was 246. It will probably be 2 - 3 weeks before I'm 100% and able to start so I'll get before pics. I learned a lot from my last cycle that was simply 3g of test with 60mcg, so I'm hoping to gain more quality seperated muscle as opposed to just filling up 3X and 4X shirts. Its a bit pricey, but you only live. Once and this is my love.
So I wasn't far off at all. Without training and eating for a week, you probably lost 10lbs.
How do feel when you do doses that high ?

With straight test I didn't feel very good unless I was training. I got up to 258 or 259 but had to add in dyazide and Adex. After adding those in I felt better, but I could tell my body was not happy with a gain of over 40lbs in just 7 months. I've since become aclimated and I can keep a ton a tissue like you said on very minimal doses. I feel great now that my muscle is more solid and stable if that makes sense. It no longer feels like new tissue and weight.
So I wasn't far off at all. Without training and eating for a week, you probably lost 10lbs.

Ya, but it definately wasn't muscle. Came in today and did a few things and was stronger than last time and it seemed like I "inflated" really fast. I would say I'll be 250 by weeks end.
With straight test I didn't feel very good unless I was training. I got up to 258 or 259 but had to add in dyazide and Adex. After adding those in I felt better, but I could tell my body was not happy with a gain of over 40lbs in just 7 months. I've since become aclimated and I can keep a ton a tissue like you said on very minimal doses. I feel great now that my muscle is more solid and stable if that makes sense. It no longer feels like new tissue and weight.

Yeah I never felt good on 2 grams of test..I could only handle it for about 2-3 weeks...then I had to come down...the most I could ever do and be ok with it wa around 1.5 grams...
The wait is killing me!! I've pretty much got everything, just waiting on a couple bottles of IGF. Haven't done any pressing or heavy tricep work as I can still feel it a bit. I'm hoping another 2 weeks and all will be in and I'll be ready to rock. I curious to see how this goes I have made good gains on this 3 month bridge, but my tendons need IGF so I want to create as anabolic an environment as possible. I'm already pinning 45's to just about every machine! I'll have to use more barbells and dumbells.