21 Kilos of Cocain washed up to shore in Destin Florida!


Staff member
Holy Shit, we have some members i know from this exact beach , lol, can you imagine walking along the beach all by yourself one morning and seeing 21 kilos of cocain just sitting on the beach lmao.

I guess you just call the cops, i mean first thing that comes to my mind is dam thats a lot of money, but would you really chance selling this shit, Hell NO! but damn thats a lot of dough


Authorities said 21 kilos of cocaine packaged into bricks washed up on beach in Destin. (Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office)

, 2015 at 12:47 PM

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Approximately 21 kilos of cocaine - worth about $600,000 on the street - washed up in the surf behind a Destin Fla., condominium Sunday morning, (April 19), according to GulfLive.com. The cocaine was separated into bales and marked with the word "Adidas."
They said every month cocain washes up to this exact beach lol, what the fuck lol, EVERY MONTH!!

A suspicious package that washed ashore in Galveston turned out to be something police keep finding on the beach this week: drugs.
The 66 pounds of cocaine Galveston police found Monday could sell for more than $3.5 million on the streets — and it's the sixth bundle of narcotics found on the beach this week.
RELATED: 30 bags of cocaine wash ashore on Galveston beach
"It's not unlikely to see one [package of drugs wash ashore] each month, or one each couple of months," said Sgt. Joshua Schirard with the Galveston Police Department. "Six in a week is obviously elevated."
That's crazy! Now if it was bags of money, THAT would be badass.

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My brother in fla foud 55 kilo
5 yrs ago.
no he dident turn it in.
He did turn it into profit.
Instead of 27000 for a kilo he souls them for 18000
and took 1 week to disperse
when he opened it up it was that nice pink fishscall
also came across some smaller boxes month later turned out to be opium
now that I have some shaped like stop sign.
And glass
I'm good with that.
My brother in fla foud 55 kilo
5 yrs ago.
no he dident turn it in.
He did turn it into profit.
Instead of 27000 for a kilo he souls them for 18000
and took 1 week to disperse
when he opened it up it was that nice pink fishscall
also came across some smaller boxes month later turned out to be opium
now that I have some shaped like stop sign.
And glass
I'm good with that.

that's a big chance he took there...they put a GPS in the package and drug dealers will come looking for it, not to mention the cops
That's insane! I would call the cops or just keep on walking by and not getting involved at all! Now if it were bags of money that's a different story lol but fuck no would I chance selling that shit
I live in the cocaine capital of Europe.
I'm sure I know some one that could turn that shit. No way would I walk by.
Would not sell it but I know a man that can.