22 Days out...

No offense but I am a hell of a lot closer to 7% than your client. I dont do the 3 pt. as I feel that a 4 or 6 point is more accurate, hence the pt of asking what he was pinching on the calipers. I am going to come in as a lightwt. and this is my second one. White dude I am very very dark lol look at the here they be post of mine...that is 9 weeks out I am italian believe me I am not white the web cam is terrible quality. good luck w/your clients and your own endeavors

I agree maybe I was a bit harsch but it gets upsetting to hear some of these comments about supposed bodyfat numbers( It is very difficult to reach below 7 % and takes alot of work and dedication.). You failed to mention he is only been training 5 months ( taking d-bol ? Doing a show already? WHY). Fine if he wants to do a show go for it but make sure he knows the truth about going up there on stage, and whats in store. Hope no one is blowing sunshine up his ass about his physique. Said my piece and I am out.. Good Luck...

Best of luck in your endeavors bros. tentitan

Ever get knocked down only to come back stronger? Do a show right when you start bodybuilding and experience the whole process from training to dieting to competing. I will let you guys know how he does and more importantly how he feels he did. I think he will be very happy with the amount of effort he put out whether or not he wins. Hopefully he will continue his efforts and improve his body.
teen0titan 6% or not who cares the guy looks good and has made an awesome comeback. I give thumbs up to both of you for yoru efforts. I also think a natural 6% looks alot different then a juiced 6%.

Either way bro tell the guy good luck and same to you

2004 Year of the Artist
How did he do?


You said you'd let us know how he did? Is he glad he did a show so early in his training and took d-bol ? Just curious......
