285.4lbs this morning

How much deca are u taking? I just tried it for the first time
Mind sharing your current bulk cycle with anti-e and any other ancillaries. Im about to do a bulk cycle and was leaning towards eq to get my appetite up but the deca is good fo joints.
That's pretty impressive that you're responding so rapidly to 300mg a week. That's awesome though, have you not used it in a while?
Mind sharing your current bulk cycle with anti-e and any other ancillaries. Im about to do a bulk cycle and was leaning towards eq to get my appetite up but the deca is good fo joints.

I know I have posted it somewhere on here, I will try and find it.
I guess I'll take like 150 a week so I can get to 10 pounds heavier than I previously got to
What's the goal with this dosage? You going for 300?

no goal with this dosage, just pulled back on the drug intake, and threw in something I havent used in a long time. My contest prep starts soon and cycle drugs and dosage will increase then. Im done trying to forcefully put pounds on, but Ill take the extra pounds as they come, but very soon its diet time.
no goal with this dosage, just pulled back on the drug intake, and threw in something I havent used in a long time. My contest prep starts soon and cycle drugs and dosage will increase then. Im done trying to forcefully put pounds on, but Ill take the extra pounds as they come, but very soon its diet time.

when r u starting ur diet and whats the show date?
no goal with this dosage, just pulled back on the drug intake, and threw in something I havent used in a long time. My contest prep starts soon and cycle drugs and dosage will increase then. Im done trying to forcefully put pounds on, but Ill take the extra pounds as they come, but very soon its diet time.
I here you on the forcing the weight issue. to me a nice slow gain is way more bennificial and healthier. You do need to get some pics up for us though bro. We all would like to see where you are at buddy.