Iron Game

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SARMs are an exciting new supplement for building lean body mass. We look to increase the tools in our anabolic toolbox to assist us in building muscle and power. One tool LGD-4033 Ligandrol promises to do just that and give us a advantage in the iron jungle. After all who wants to be average.

Read more about LGD-4033 Ligandrol below.

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Gain 1.5 kg or 3.3 lbs of lean body mass with three-week course of LGD-4033

Despite the negative reports on S4, SARMs like ostarine have become pretty common among chemical athletes, so another SARM, LGD-4033, is likely to find its way quickly into steroids circles. Especially if you read about the successes reported from the first human experiments with LGD-4033. According to research led by Shalender Bhasin, healthy men can build up 1.5 kg muscle mass in just three weeks by taking the substance. And they managed this without doing weight training.

LGD-4033 was developed by LGD Pharmaceuticals. At present pharmaceuticals companies have about half a dozen SARMs in the pipeline, for which the first round of human studies have been successfully completed, and which could therefore be launched pretty soon. LGD-4033 is one of these.

SARMs are compounds which in terms of structure do not resemble classical anabolic steroid hormones such as testosterone and trenbolone, but which do interact with the androgen receptor. Because they are so 'strange' endocrinologists expect that they will have fewer side effects than their steroids, the anabolic steroids. Steroids throw processes in the body into chaos in a myriad ways because they interact with multiple receptors and enzymes. Because of their design SARMs only interact with the androgen receptor and with no other receptors. At least, that's the idea

3.3 + lbs of LBM in 3 wks with LGD-4033

Endocrinologists at Boston University are soon to publish the results of a study they did in which 76 healthy men aged between 21 and 50 participated. The researchers divided the men into 4 groups, of which one group took a placebo every day for three weeks. This was the control group. The men in the other three groups took 0.1, 0.3 or 1 mg LGD-4033 daily.

In the men who took a daily 1 mg LGD-4033 their lean body mass increased by 1.5 kg. That's a lot for a SARM. This is probably partly because LGD-4033 breaks down slowly. The half-life of the steroid was between 24 and 36 hours. LGD-4033 had no effect on fat mass.

The new SARM did have some side effects. The 1 mg dose resulted in a statistically significant reduction of free testosterone in the blood. As you can see in the figure above, after three weeks of taking 1 mg LGD-4033 the testosterone level was only restored to its normal level after five weeks. And before you ask: no, the test subjects did not do post-cycle therapy.

But the concentration of PSA, a protein that predicts the likelihood of prostate cancer, did not rise, which is a positive sign. The blood viscosity did not increase either, which is also a positive sign.

The effects on lipids were mixed. The daily dose of 1 mg LGD-4033 resulted in a significant decrease in the concentration of the 'good cholesterol' HDL. That's bad news. But on the other hand the concentration of trigylcerides went down – and that's positive. "Long-term studies are needed to clarify the effects of long-term SARM administration on cardiovascular risk", the researchers write.
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"In the men who took a daily 1 mg LGD-4033 their lean body mass increased by 1.5 kg."

That sounds good to me!!
Thanks for the article.

The problem I have with the study is they don't say how much mass the guys that used .1mg or .3 mg. Were these trained individuals? how close where they to their genitic potential. Did they work on during this 3 weeks, how long had they worked out prior to these 3 weeks. When is the last time you saw a study where muscle went up and fat doesn't go down; this one there was no change in fat mass.

I love these studies, but the lack of information leaves a lot to be desired.................after years and years of misleading studies ( "boron increases T", forgot to mention this is in post menopause women) I get jadded and look at every new study that proves something with sideways look.
Thanks for the article.

The problem I have with the study is they don't say how much mass the guys that used .1mg or .3 mg. Were these trained individuals? how close where they to their genitic potential. Did they work on during this 3 weeks, how long had they worked out prior to these 3 weeks. When is the last time you saw a study where muscle went up and fat doesn't go down; this one there was no change in fat mass.

I love these studies, but the lack of information leaves a lot to be desired.................after years and years of misleading studies ( "boron increases T", forgot to mention this is in post menopause women) I get jadded and look at every new study that proves something with sideways look.
It's always good to look at things in our endeavor with a grain of salt. Boron, lol!
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It's always good to look at things in our endeavor with a grain of salt. Boron, lol!

I never understood what the fuck that statement meant, I mean I know what its suppose to mean, but taken literally, what does "take it with a grain of salt" or as you say "look at it with a grain of salt" mean lmao

Why not gain of sand, or how about "take it with a nuclei" lmao,

anyhow lmao thats what im going to start saying "take it with a nuclei" cause im too cool