30 yrs old SARMs interested


New member
Hi I have worked out like 10 years ago. I'm interested in SARMs but have read side effects like blurry vision. I want something that is known to be safe. I'm interested in something like GH too. I don't want to get old. Lol. I've read about peptides and started using bpc157 recently. Any tips or suggestions? Currently about 215lbs with about 20% body fat. :/
Hi I have worked out like 10 years ago. I'm interested in SARMs but have read side effects like blurry vision. I want something that is known to be safe. I'm interested in something like GH too. I don't want to get old. Lol. I've read about peptides and started using bpc157 recently. Any tips or suggestions? Currently about 215lbs with about 20% body fat. :/
@xcv0 welcome to MC!

you have used sarms or cycle before, tell us more about yourself?

sarms are not for everyone just like steroids, you need to be careful and lets talk more
hello, how old are you? hgh is gonna be more beneficial if you have existing low gh levels. you can also get your gh levels higher naturally through fasting and sleep
Hi I have worked out like 10 years ago. I'm interested in SARMs but have read side effects like blurry vision. I want something that is known to be safe. I'm interested in something like GH too. I don't want to get old. Lol. I've read about peptides and started using bpc157 recently. Any tips or suggestions? Currently about 215lbs with about 20% body fat. :/
growth hormone has its place but there's a lot of scammers out there
make sure you're using domestic Supply so you know you're getting the right stuff
bros diet and training are huge
please post that and also post up your pictures in a log so that we can guide you