4 Weeks out from NPC North America (Video)


Staff member
Also check out www.MarkPodgorny.com for more pics and up to date videos!

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://s285.photobucket.com/flash/remix/player.swf?videoURL=http://vid285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/FitSpanishfly/118c8256.pbr&hostname=stream285.photobucket.com"></embed>

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i285.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/FitSpanishfly/MarkPodgorny4weeksout.flv">
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oh yeah sorry this was asked a while ago, he is 5,8 and wants to step on stage as a heavy weight at about 209lbs and last night he weighed 222lbs 3 weeks out, not sure what he weighed in this threads video above because this was 4 weeks out , ill have his 3 weeks out video and pics up this weekend
He'll look pretty damn big at 209 or so...I can see him coming in bigger than that though
He'll look pretty damn big at 209 or so...I can see him coming in bigger than that though

A few guys keep telling him to come in at the top of the Light heavy weight class. But he doesnt see that as an option, personaly im not sure either until i see him dialed in at this show, his ass is his weak spot in that its gigantic and hard to rip up even when he is dialed in for a show so he says and from what i have been told , so if thats the case this time around then maybe he would fair better as a light heavy at the top of the class for no other reason then to get his ass striated!

we will see though

and last nights pics and video at 3 weeks out are by far the best and biggest difference in terms of week by week progresss, you realy see the biggest progress in the pics and vid from last nights week 3 pics and vid taken