5 Best SARMs Companies UK

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Ah the UK. A place where Steroids are legal, bodybuilding is booming, and SARMs are treated with respect.

These popular research chemicals are all over bodybuilding forums, and there is no doubt that some people have gotten great results from them.

To find out who has the best ones, we’ve done a wee bit of research on these SARMs products, and we’re here to find the 5 Best SARMS companies UK.

Who is the Best SARMs UK Company? Hands down, Peak Body. While their site might look like something out of the 80s, there’s nothing old about their products. Brilliantly dosed for SARMs usage, and they have up-to-date testing! Do you know how hard it is to find a SARMs supplier that has up-to-date testing!?

Not only do they have a wide range of research SARMs, but they have broadened their lineup to include other products such as:

Compared to any other SARMs company, their offering of products is astounding. The reviews point to real SARMs, and as far as a mecha for muscle growth, few can beat the quality and quantity of offerings from Peak Body.

How We Chose the Best SARMs Company UK Choosing the best of anything comes down to doing your own research. This is where we come in, as we have the means to find out who is a reputable company. We have spoken to and ordered from several companies in the past, ranging from SARMs to other research chemicals not meant for human consumption.

When it comes down to choosing the best SARMs suppliers, we have to look at a few different points that will influence the result:

1) Quality: This rises above everything else, and you are at the mercy of your SARMs source. They would ideally provide test results for all their research chemicals, providing you with an idea of the quality

2) Reviews: Since taking SARMs falls into the grey area of “running human studies in your basement on yourself”, you should look at the results others have had with that particular SARMs Store. SARMs work, the extent of which can differ greatly from brand to brand

3) “Others“: Some sites make you feel at home. Some perks such as free shipping and selling products with a money back guarantee does help. These are the last things you should be looking at, but let’s be honest. International shipping, payment options, these things do make a difference in the end

#1 UK SupplierPeak Body is a company that is based in the UK, and was started way back in 1995 by a very famous bodybuilder John Citrone and his wife. Initially, the company was based on selling OTC supplements that help the clients build muscle, increase fat loss, and everything in between.

As time passed, their knowledge of bodybuilding nutrition grew. They started to expand and began selling both liquid SARMs, Peptides, and a few other products for performance enhancement.

Today they stock a variety of products, from quality SARMs to simple Protein Powder. This is really a one-stop shop for any bodybuilder or athlete.

[*]Wide range of products[*]Cost effective[*]Provides COA[/list][*]Virtually none[/list] #2 UK Supplier

Predator Nutrition Predator Nutrition is not your typical SARMs source, as they sell literally everything up until the very edge of Anabolic Steroids. This is the beautiful thing about the UK, they can sell so many interesting products due to law. Every single research chemical is available, post cycle products, products to increase Testosterone levels, and of course, plenty of quality SARMs.

The SARMs they offer are made by the brand ‘Augmented Labs’ and the reviews in the fitness community are pretty good. It also seems rather easy to purchase SARMs through Predator, seeing as they not only offer almost all the other products you need, but the payment process is a breeze as well.

[*]Wide range of products[*]Provide COA[/list][*]Certificates of authenticity not always up to date[/list] #3 UK SupplierChamochem is just a solid SARMs company in the UK. Compared to other SARMs suppliers there isn’t really anything too amazing about Chamochem. They just offer a wide variety of Selective androgen receptor modulators that most people could use to increase lean muscle mass.

Some may say this lack of other research chemicals puts them at a disadvantage, but perhaps not. If they are only focusing on one type of product gives them the ability to massively increase the quality of that research chemical. Their tests aren’t as up to date as others on the list, but overall they have some quality performance enhancement products at reasonable prices.

[*]Value for money[/list][*]Only provides SARMs[*]Other companies provide much more up to date testing [/list] #4 UK SupplierPureRawz is a US based company that sells SARMs online. As with all other SARMs sellers, they sell these compounds strictly as research products. They also sell other products, including cannabis based products and transdermals.

In a relatively short period of time, PureRawz has been able to build a loyal following. This has largely been built upon their low price and extensive product range. They do offer shipping to the UK at reasonable prices, which makes them on of the best SARMs suppliers in the States.

15% off with code PureBrawn

Read full Pure Rawz review

[*]Wide range of products[*]Cost effective[*]Provides COA[*]Worldwide shipping[*]Regular sales and discount codes[/list][*]Certificates of authenticity not always available[*]Does not accept credit cards[/list] #5 UK Supplier

Behemoth LabzBehemoth Labz had a vocal presence on social media and provided a complete range of SARMs in oral, injectable, powder, and liquid forms. They also sell a range of nootropics, male enhancement pills, and post cycle therapy treatments.

Behemoth Labz has grown to become one of the biggest sellers of SARMs around the world. They are known for their fast shipping and their high level of customer support.

Behemoth Labz is one of a limited number of SARMs websites that sell injectables. Behemoth injectable SARMs are sold in 10 ml bottles. Certificates of analysis sheets are available for inspection online prior to purchase. It is obviously very important that you have full confidence that the injectable SARM you are buying is pure and true to the label. In my experience, buying from Behemoth Labz is your best way to be sure of that.

Full Behemoth Labz Review

[*]10% off with Muscle53[*]Intensive 3rd party testing on all products[*]Money-back guarantee[*]Sharp pricing & fast shipping[/list][*]May be selling some gray area products[/list] Are SARMs illegal in the UK (SARMs UK Law)? As you may or may not know, Anabolic Steroids are actually legal in the UK, but only if you intend to use them yourself. If you are caught with an amount that cannot be argued as “for my personal desired results” then it’s illegal.

Unlike Steroids, the laws around SARMs are a bit different, yet eerily similar at the same time. You could classify SARMs as legal compounds, but that statement comes with a few caveats. It cannot be sold for human consumption, it has to be sold as a ‘research chemical’, and it cannot be sold as a dietary supplement.

There are in vitro studies that show SARMs can increase skeletal muscle or burn body fat, but according to the law, more studies are needed – especially on the human body (Human trials). After more clinical trials have been published on SARMs, the legality status might change.

Trustpilot Removes SARM Companies
Trustpilot no longer has SARM Companies Trustpilot is a site where you could usually review all kinds of products and services, however the company has recently removed SARM reviews from their database.

Muscle growth and bodybuilding in general is a massive sport in the UK. Compared to other countries, the amount of money and development poured into fitness is amazing.

Now, it won’t come as a surprise that many will end up using a steroid or two for its anabolic effect, and because they are legal, you can almost be guaranteed safety.

In other countries, they need to cut costs and be relatively sneaky, while in the UK, the best product wins. SARMs would definitely be trustworthy in the UK and could be an effective method to increase lean muscle. You still need to do your research around the companies by reading reviews.

FAQs Is Ostarine legal UK? Ostarine or MK-2866 is a SARM that was developed to treat people who lose muscle mass [1] due to illness, or osteoporosis. Users have claimed to see a great increase in fat free mass without increasing fat mass. While it is legal to use any SARMs in the UK, they are still banned by organizations like WADA.

Injectable SARMs UK Injectable SARMs really mess up the conversation of ‘Are SARMs safe?’. Injectable compounds are used often in the bodybuilding world, however, injectable SARMs are very new to the scene. When you look at the half life of a SARM and the ease with which someone can take a tablet, there is really no reason to take an injectable SARM. Liquid SARMs are also readily available and using anything but oral SARMs seems foolish.

SARMs UK Law The laws around SARMs are pretty grey. Some SARMs were tested to increase muscle mass, whilst others were thought to be a potential male contraceptive. Purchasing SARMs online might be a bit weird in the beginning, but SARMs are legal under the following circumstances:

  • Sold as a “Research chemical”
  • Sold as “Not for human consumption”
  • Not sold as a “Dietary supplement”
This might be very scary for someone running their first cycle, and it should be. SARMs demand respect like another compound you use to increase fat loss or muscle growth.

Best SARMs supplier UK The SARM industry might not be as big as in the States, perhaps because Steroids are easier to obtain. That being said, there are still a few good ones. According to us the Best SARMs company in the UK is Peak Body.

How do SARMs increase Lean Muscle Mass? SARMs bind to the Androgen Receptors in both muscle and bone tissue, which will then cause biological changes resulting in increased muscle protein synthesis and protein expression.

How do SARMs decrease body fat? Certain SARMs are actually not SARMs. Something like Cardarine is known as a Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonist [2], and MK-677 is actually a Growth Hormone Secretagogue [3]. The mechanisms in which these “SARMs” can cause you to lose fat is by either increasing Free Fatty Acid or Carbohydrate metabolism. This, combined with a calorie deficit, can lead to a significant decrease in fat mass.

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