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[h=2]Team Scivation discuss diet and five steps to follow to help you burn fat and build a leaner and healthier physique.[/h]Diet. The four letter word that we all love to hate. From serious fitness and physique competitors to the average person trying to look good, we all look at diet as the crutch in looking and feeling our best. It doesn’t have to be this way. I am living proof that if you follow certain diet principles, you can achieve and maintain the body of your dreams and not suffer!
We all have seen it done. Our friend loses a lot of weight and then voila, in just a few short weeks, months of dieting and exercise are out the door. They didn’t just gain back what they lost, but they gained it back and then some. We even see this with our athletic friends and even bodybuilders. They get in shape, even step ontstage and compete and then as soon as that show is over, they fall off of the diet and training bandwagon and go into a feeding frenzy of fried food and dessert. This is not a healthy way to live and you are literally throwing away months of hard work and dieting to be “normal”. Well, if being normal means being out of shape and having NO visible ab muscles, I do not want any part of that. Thankfully for you, Team Scivation, the people behind Scivation Xtend and other quality supplements from Scivation and Primaforce, has devised a plan for you to get in shape, stay in shape, and enjoy life with healthy, lean meal options. Read on and find out how Scivation Owner, Husband and Father to two young children and National Level NPC Competitor got lean, stays lean and still manages to have a career that requires traveling 90% of the time. Time to change your physique and life forever!
What we preach at Team Scivation is balance. Balance in life as well as balance in diet. We see the all or nothing approach too often. Some people need to be 100% on a program or else it fails. It is either 100% diet and 100% training or nothing at all. They will avoid going out with friends. They will avoid anything that might make them stray from their programs. Then what happens? Burnout! The person finally says to themselves, “To heck with this, I am done.” Then they stop training and dieting and all of those results go away and they resort to a life of beer, television and a big stomach. This doesn’t have to happen. When I go out, if I am preparing for a contest, I will bring my food with me. But if you are not competing, live a little! You can order healthy if you feel like it, but a free meal here and there will not negatively effect your diet. In fact, we often recommend a free meal once a week of whatever you feel like. When dieting, especially on a lower carb diet, your body might stop burning as many calories. What this free meal does is stimulate your body into buring more calories! AWESOME! We will now go over five ways to achieve your best body ever without losing your mind--5 simple steps to a better you!
[h=2]STEP 1:
CONTROL CALORIES AND QUALITY[/h]Calories in and Calories Out. We have been told this for centuries! Does this mean that if I eat a Twinkie for 300 calories that it is the same as eating Chicken and Oatmeal for 300 calories? WRONG! Choose whole, natural foods over processed junk. Macronutrients, which mean protein, carbs and fat; are very important. You want to make sure that you have ample protein, adequate healthy fat from sources such as nuts, olive oil, flax oil, avocado, peanut butter and other sources and also, try to make your carbohydrates and pure and natural as possible. Instead of sugary cereal, reach for a bowl of oatmeal or some brown rice. Instead of a dessert, have some strawberries. Make healthy choices!
[h=2]STEP 2:
LIFT LIKE YOU MEAN IT AND WALK LIKE A CHAMP![/h]Too many people go in to the gym and talk. Just get in and train and DO NOT shy away from the proven mass builders and fat burners - Squats and Deadlifts. There are many training programs. Whatever one you choose, follow the plan and don’t mess around, get it done and train hard! If you need a program and cannot find one in this issue that fits your needs, e offer many training programs like Tri-Phase Training Team scivation also provides free training as well as diet!
Cardio is also a key to staying lean and healthy and might even help you gain lean mass!
I believe that cardio should be done year round and here are some cardio options:
Endurance A.K.A. cardiovascular training improves the heart’s ability to pump blood and increases oxygen uptake into cells. A “fit” person also burns more fat at rest and during exercise than an unfit person. Bodybuilders use cardiovascular training mainly as a means to increase caloric expenditure thereby increasing fat loss or decreasing fat gain. We will address one cardio strategy bodybuilders can do while trying to gain lean mass or during any developmental stage based on both scientific literature and anecdotal feedback.
[h=2]LOW-MODERATE INTENSITY CARDIO ON WEIGHT TRAINING DAYS[/h]As stated in the intro, bodybuilders primarily use cardio as a means in increase their caloric expenditure (Cardiovascular training has a TON of other health benefits, but we will not touch on those benefits here). The use of low-intensity cardio, done either pre or post weight training, allows one to burn more calories while not hampering recovery. In fact, low-intensity cardio done post-workout may even enhance recovery due to increase blood flow and nutrient delivery. Low-intensity cardio is not as strenuous on the body as high-intensity cardio or high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It would be very hard for someone to complete a HIIT session pre weight training as it would decrease your performance when lifting weights or to complete the session post weight training as you will already be fatigued.
We want to keep the body healthy and injury free. If you get injured, then your workouts will suffer or cease altogether. Therefore, I feel it is more practical to perform low to moderate intensity cardio on weight training days. Now, one could perform their cardio separate from their weight training, but for most that would mean two trips to the gym, which is impractical; Hence my recommendation to perform cardio pre or post weight training.
Whether you choose to do your cardio pre or post weight training is a personal preference. Remember, your main goal is to hit it hard in the weight room. If doing cardio pre weight training decreases your performance, then it would be better for you to do it post workout. If you find that you are too tired to do cardio post weight training or simply find you become too bored and do not finish your cardio sessions, it would be better for you to do your cardio pre weight training.
[h=2]HIGH-INTENSITY/HIGH-INTENSITY-INTERVAL TRAINING ON NON-WEIGHT TRAINING DAYS[/h]High-intensity cardio stresses both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. The anaerobic energy system is what is stressed during weight training. Putting too much stress on the anaerobic system and hampering recovery is one reason why I do not recommend performing weight training and HIIT on the same day. Obviously running at 6 mph will burn more calories than running at 3 mph, but one has to balance their activities to allow for proper recovery.
There are two main types of high-intensity cardio: Continuous and Interval Training. Continuous high-intensity cardio would be running at a high speed on the treadmill or elliptical machine for a long duration (i.e. 5+ minutes). Interval training involves alternating periods of work and rest (or lower levels of work). For example, running a 100 meter sprint then walking back to the start, resting, then repeating could constitute HIIT. HIIT is more intense than high-intensity continuous cardio and much more intense than low-intensity cardio.
Now it is time to create a program and to put it into action.
[h=2]WEIGHT TRAINING AND CARDIO PROGRAMS[/h]The following two programs would be ideal for someone trying to add lean mass:
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody style="margin: 0px;">[TR]
[TD="width: 310"]
[TD="class: blue-text, width: 310"]45-60 minutes Weight Training followed by
20-30 minutes Low-Intensity Cardio
[TD="class: sub-header-link, width: 310"]Tuesday:[/TD]
[TD="class: blue-text, width: 310"]45-60 minutes Weight Training followed by
20-30 minutes Low-Intensity Cardio
[TD="class: sub-header-link, width: 310"]Wednesday:[/TD]
[TD="class: blue-text"]Day OFF[/TD]
[TD="class: sub-header-link"]Thursday:[/TD]
[TD="class: blue-text"]45-60 minutes Weight Training followed by
20-30 minutes Low-Intensity Cardio
[TD="class: blue-text"]45-60 minutes Weight Training followed by
20-30 minutes Low-Intensity Cardio
[TD="class: blue-text"]Day OFF[/TD]
[TD="class: blue-text"]Some much needed REST![/TD]

***Note: As you lose weight and your fitness level improves you will most likely have to increase you duration and intensity of your cardio sessions.
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody style="margin: 0px;">[TR]
[TD="width: 310"]
[TD="class: blue-text, width: 310"]45-60 minutes Weight Training[/TD]
[TD="width: 310"]Tuesday:[/TD]
[TD="class: blue-text, width: 310"]45-60 minutes Weight Training[/TD]
[TD="width: 310"]Wednesday:[/TD]
[TD="class: blue-text"]15-30 minutes High-Intensity Cardio on the Elliptical Machine[/TD]
[TD="class: blue-text"]45-60 minutes Weight Training[/TD]
[TD="class: blue-text"]45-60 minutes Weight Training[/TD]
[TD="class: blue-text"]HIIT—Sprints: Ten 100 meter sprints[/TD]
[TD="class: blue-text"]Some much needed REST![/TD]

***Note: As you lose weight and your fitness level improves you will most likely have to increase you duration and intensity of your cardio sessions.
As bodybuilders, weight training is your primary concern. You do not want to do too much cardio and impair your recovery from weight training. Whether trying to gain muscle or lose fat, cardio should be done. The exact amount will vary by your goal, fitness level, and ability to recover.
There you have it! The bottom line, take home is:
• Do the damn cardio. Whatever method you choose, just do it year round.
• HIIT might be better for those that weight train four or less times per week.
• Low Intensity Cardio might be better for those who train more than five times per week.
• Cardio is healthy and may even help you grow more muscle.

[h=2]STEP 3: BALANCE[/h]We need to balance. The all or nothing approach is NOT good. If you make this a lifestyle without the intentions of competing, you will love the way you look and you will feel amazing. If competing, going to the extreme is a must. But for most of us, simply modifying our diet with healthy options and training 4-5 days per week with cardio, we will reap the benefits and LOOK like we can compete.
Balance means if you are out with the family, eat normal. Have an ice cream cone with your daughter. Just don’t make it everyday. Living life is about more than lifting and downing protein shakes, it is about family, business and other important things. Remember, Bodybuilding should enhance, not overtake your life.
[h=2]STEP 4: SUPPLEMENTS[/h]For the purpose of this article, I will list the four MUST HAVES. If you choose to add to this to enhance your results, then do it! But for starters, you better have these for optimal gains!
I recommend a multivitamin no matter what your diet is like just for insurance. It is there just in case your diet that day lacks in one area or another. You do not have to get too fancy with this. A simple one-a-day vitamin will do the trick. One per day is all you need! This will ensure the nutrients that you might have missed in your diet are there. Remember, being healthy is anabolic!
The most important fatty acids are fish oil containing DHA and EPA as well as GLA. These can help with Healthy Weight Management, Cognitive Function, Vascular Health, Mood, Heart Health, Vision, Supports Inflammation Reduction, Bone Health, and is Essential in High Protein Diets. I recommend Scivation Essential FA. Essential FA contains all of this along with the essential minerals Calcium, Vitamin D2, Magnesium and Vitamin E. These minerals are all needed and if you do not have enough, you will be shortchanging yourself on fat loss and lean mass gains.
If you can afford only one supplement other than a multivitamin and fish oil, Xtend is the supplement that you should choose. In the Supplement Hierarchy of Needs, I recommend Workout Nutrition first and foremost. Xtend has also been shown in a scientific study by the Weider Research Group in cooperation with the College of Charleston to help trained subjects gain 9lbs of lean mass and lose 4.5lbs of fat as an average in only eight weeks!
Imagine if you could fuel your muscles DURING your workout to encourage lean muscle growth and endless energy with enhanced recovery. If you’re like anyone here at About Muscle, this is a dream come true. Time to stop dreaming.
Scivation Xtend is formulated to increase protein synthesis, recovery, and performance using a precise blend Branched-Chain-Amino Acids (BCAA), L-Glutamine, and Citrulline Malate. BCAA are a must have for workout nutrition.
Xtend was formulated to give the body what it needs during exercise. As you exercise, the body increases the demand for various nutrients and if the body is not fed those nutrients, it must obtain them from other sources (i.e. breakdown of skeletal muscle to obtain amino acids). Both BCAA and Glutamine oxidation/demand is increased during exercise. In order to meet this increased demand for BCAA and Glutamine, the body breaks down muscle protein.
The goal of weight training is to increase protein synthesis. In order to gain muscle mass, protein turnover (protein turnover = protein synthesis – protein breakdown) must be positive. An increase in protein synthesis from weight training can lead to an increase in muscle mass. If we are increasing protein breakdown during training, we are decreasing the training session’s overall anabolic effect and limiting muscle growth.
BCAA supplementation has been shown to not only increase protein synthesis, but also to decrease protein breakdown. By supplementing with Xtend during your workouts you are creating an ideal environment for muscle growth.
What all this means is ingesting BCAA primes your body for growth by increasing protein synthesis and energy production in muscle. All of these actions are beneficial to an athlete and should not be overlooked. There is endless research backing BCAA supplementation as part of one’s workout nutrition. In addition, the citrulline malate found in Xtend increases atp/energy production, delays fatigue, and increase blood flow and amino acid deliver to muscle and the glutamine promotes increased recovery.
We recommend 4-8 scoops of Xtend during training depending on bodyweight.
[h=2]4. WHEY PROTEIN[/h]While I consider this a FOOD and not a supplement, it is sold in a box with a supplement company’s label on it, so we will put it here. I recommend one that is LOW in carbs and fat with less than three grams of each per serving so that it is as close to protein only as possible and can be used whether bulking or cutting, like Scivation Whey. If you want more carbs, you can add oats or another source. If you want more fats, add oils, almond butter, peanut butter, or another healthy EFA source. Since missing a meal can hurt your results, this makes the BASE list. For ectomorphs, this adds calories and you can add oil and powdered carbs (more on this later) to make it a super calorie shake and for endomorphs, whey protein has been shown to curb appetite and enhance fat loss!
[h=2]STEP 5: CONSISTENCY[/h]It isn’t the training program, or whether your diet is high carb, low carb, or any of that. The main thing is consistency. Stick to your program, don’t “fall off of the wagon”, and make this a lifestyle, not just a diet to go to a high school reunion and then BOOM, you get even fatter than where you started when the reunion is over. Make this about YOU. Live longer, live happier, and live healthier. This lifestyle is good for you. Make the most of it and get results!
[h=2]THAT’S A WRAP[/h]There you have it. The five steps to making you look better and on top of that, living longer and being healthier and happier. Don’t waste any more time. Start today on your journey to be the best you can be!