500ml/cc Enanthate Experience?


New member
Anyone use this stuff? I just hit some T400 and the knots are that worth it. No much pain but my ass is going to take at least 12 days to be ready for the next shot. I even mixed it with some EQ (1cc EQ with 1 1/2cc T400). Let me know if you have tried it before. Also what is the best way to get rid of ass knots?


I'm using some 400mg/ml enanthate right now and it is fairly painless. I'm mixing it with 500mg/ml EQ...oh yeah baby. high dosed gear is the shit.

I got so much scar tissue in these damn quads that I can't inject too much volume into them. pop pop pop pop....ugh hate that feeling/sound.

I just did a nice injection into my chest with about 2cc of the high dosed gear and there was hardly any pain. Nice!

Cut the gear with sterile oil or some b12.
Proline makes 500mg/ml test its similar to injecting hydrocloric acid, lol Hurts like a mother. No thanks ill stick with 250
Cut it with sterile sesame or penut oil, add b12 to your syringe, that is about the extent as far as diluting it. I used the EQL Test E and adding the extra oil seemed to help.
I got some proline shit and it was 500mg/ml and I was in bed for 3 days..This was serious shit..I had to be put on meds from the doc and hydrocodein did not help at all...crap...I even talked to the guy who made the batch and he was just like no it should be fine...well fuck proline...I know some people swear by it but they must be getting some different proline....worst experience I have ever had....not to mention the infection it gave me....

Pudgy edited this not because of the opinion expressed just because of one line . i agree the proline500mg/ml is crap