6 month sarms cycle thoughts


New member
I’m looking to put on some lean muscle mass and burn fat over the next 6 months.
Playing on spending some time in the gym and increasing my volume in the weight room.
Currently I’m 5’8” 168 lbs and 28 years old
my plan is this:
nutrobal mk677 25mgs a day
ostarine mk2866 50mgs a day
gw501516 20mgs a day.
All for 6 months. Thoughts?
I’m looking to put on some lean muscle mass and burn fat over the next 6 months.
Playing on spending some time in the gym and increasing my volume in the weight room.
Currently I’m 5’8” 168 lbs and 28 years old
my plan is this:
nutrobal mk677 25mgs a day
ostarine mk2866 50mgs a day
gw501516 20mgs a day.
All for 6 months. Thoughts?
thats too much you're overdoing it

nutrobal 10mgs max

ostarine 25mgs max

only do sarms 8 weeks at a time
and you need n2guard 7caps ed with this for organs
GW, ostarine and nutrobal is a damn good stack. good for recovery and endurance

use umbrella but don't go that long. 16 weeks max is fine