99purity.com phony sarms company


New member
wanted to leave a review about another phony sarms company.
Please avoid using 99purity.com
they are a lousy place to buy sarms. I use their lgd and I did 20 milligrams a day and I didn’t have a lick of changes to my physique.
Might as well just use creatine next time because that’s as much as results as you’re going to get on this stuff it’s obviously very underdosed or fake
wanted to leave a review about another phony sarms company.
Please avoid using 99purity.com
they are a lousy place to buy sarms. I use their lgd and I did 20 milligrams a day and I didn’t have a lick of changes to my physique.
Might as well just use creatine next time because that’s as much as results as you’re going to get on this stuff it’s obviously very underdosed or fake
99purity.com is not approved
sorry to hear you were scammed