A Dirty Little Secret: Anabolic Steroids


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
[h=3]by, Eric Irons

Going to the Dark Side[/h]So after months of toiling under Big Steve’s guidance, I had made great progress. I was happy but I couldn’t help but recognize that I was losing ground to him daily. I used him as my barometer, and when I worked hard and made gains, he made better gains. I was beyond frustrated. Steve was training no harder than I was but he was way bigger and stronger. One day I said something to Dave, one of our training partners and he said “Steve hasn’t told you about the juice?” I was thinking what juice? orange juice, grape juice, or maybe apple? Dave laughed and said “you need to go see the weight gain doc!” I questioned him further and he gave me a card to Doctor Tizzo, a local “weight gain” specialist. So, I went to the Dr. Tizzo on the other side of town from me. I remember sitting in the waiting room and looking at all the other guys who were pretty big. I was thinking “why in hell are these guys here, they look big enough!” So I got called back into the room and waited nervously. What was this guy going to do? I was about to be introduced to the world of anabolic steroids.
[h=3]Poke Poke, Anabolic Steroids, and Grow Time[/h]Doctor Tizzo came into the room and asked me a few questions. He then told me to drop my pants and turn around. My suspicions were certainly heightened at this point. I had all kinds of horrible thoughts like from scenes in Deliverance! “Squeal like a pig boy!” came to mind. All kidding aside, I got a shot in my butt cheek and he handed me 60 little blue pills. He said take one when you wake up and take one before you go to bed. I still didn’t really know just happened. I didn’t know what the shot was or the pills. I somehow felt different though. I am sure it was all in my head but all the same, I knew things were going to change. Over the next month, I literally went up 16 pounds. I was 220 pounds and my bench was up to 405 pounds, a full 40 pounds in 30 days. My arms were now 18″ at 18 years of age. My chest grew to 50″, my legs were 27″ and man was I strong. My face looked bloated but who cares when you make that kind of progress. I was thinking, “hell I will never come off this stuff!” All the big guys at the gym now looked at me differently. It was like being the new ape being accepted into the community of apes. I felt like Diane Fossey in Gorillas in the Mist.
[h=3]Too Much of a Good Thing[/h]I learned that it wasn’t good to stay on steroids constantly, You were supposed to cycle on and off these drugs. I had a rough time doing this to myself. I wouldn’t even use Motrin or aspirin, but now I was using anabolic steroids. Honestly, they made me feel invincible, somehow more alive. I kept thinking I would get back to the doc soon. Well I had to leave for college in early August for orientation and football camp at a D2 University. When I reported, the coaches were shocked at how much I had changed. I was surprised they noticed. I guess looking in the mirror everyday dulled my self perception. I was moving just as fast as I had 30 pounds lighter, but was leaps and bounds stronger. I earned my way onto the travel squad, quite an accomplishment for a true freshman. I wasn’t sure if anyone else took anabolic steroids, but I wasn’t going to tell a soul. It was my edge, my secret advantage. Oh how mistaken I was. I wasn’t the only one who used these. It was easier to count who didn’t use them. I was about to learn some shocking shit!

[h=3]Holy Shit! Everyone is Juicing[/h]When I arrived at school I did so with what I considered my ace in the hole. I had my little secret to success that only the guys in my gym knew about or so I thought. Wow, was I wrong. It seemed that literally every single guy showed tell tale signs of steroid use. They were big, they were strong and many were plain mean. There was lots of backne (back acne), early male pattern baldness, and a host of bad behaviors. In my first full pads practice, I ran down our all league nose tackle. He got ripped by the coaches pretty bad. He was pissed off in a big way. On my next carry, he buried me for a loss. He basically did a push up off my head, spit straight in my face and said “welcome to college you fucking pussy.” I was completely disgusted because not only was my face covered in this red necks spit, he was also a big tobacco chewer and his breath just stunk. He hated me from that day forward. Numerous times we almost traded blows, but I just wrote it off as him just hating that he was an ugly man. People think everyone is friends on a football team. What a joke! The defense generally dislikes the offense to some degree, and vice-versa. I asked some one what Smiths (name changed) problem was? He said too much juice! So I wasn’t alone. I later learned that 70% of guys were “on.”
[h=3]Where are all the Steroids Coming From?[/h]Back home I only knew that Doctor Tizzo gave out steroids. I had heard rumors that certain guys sold the stuff, but you just didn’t go asking some 240 pound guy who looks like his head would explode at any moment. Things were much different back in the 80’s. You racked your weights, you were courteous to others or you likely got your ass kicked and weren’t welcome back in the gym. So many of these “selfie taking little turds” of today would have gotten a beating tossed their way. I miss those days. But I digress. You spend time on a college campus and you start to hear things. Like the old saying goes “loose lips sink ships.” Trust me, no truer words have ever been spoken. There is no such thing as a well kept secret. I did start to learn about two guys who were “steroid dealers.” One played on the team and the other guy lived off campus. Getting anything from a teammate seemed like a really bad idea, so I hooked up with Mack later that year. You don’t just go in guns a blazing and asking to get hooked up, you had to develop that trust before you were in the “Mack circle of trust.” He was one crazy son of a bitch. His father was a wealthy guy and he was forever flying to Key West to go deep sea fishing. The guy was perpetually tan in a town where it was cold 9 months a year. I remember one time at one of his parties 3 girls walked in and Mack said ” You’re looking a little peeked honey.” to which she replied ” what do I look like a zero?” Mack said “no, you look like a one surrounded by a couple of zeros.” She tried to save face by saying “well, we can’t all be daddy’s little rich kid.” Mack said “Easy girl, I tell you what, I will sell my truck and buy your family a trailer park.” She just slinked away. He was a larger than life little dude. He was 5’6″ 190 pounds with curly blond hair and a ton of attitude. We had a lot of wild nights.
[h=3]The Dresser Drawer: A Cornucopia Of Anabolic Steroids[/h]Once Mack was comfortable with me, he showed me his one dresser in his bedroom. Literally every drawer was jammed full of different steroids. I had never seen anything like it. There was stuff from all over the world Australia, Greece, Mexico, Germany, and other places. He had Finajet, Primabolan Acetate, Sustanon pre-loads, Sten, Dianiabol, Syntex Anadrol 50, Winthrop Winstrol in 50 cc bottles. Drive, Bolasterone, Testosterone Cypionate, Nolvadex, etc. The list could go on and on. It was just amazing to be honest. It was like christmas to any bodybuilder looking to make gains. I used to get 10 cc bottles of Steris Testosterone Cypionate for $12! Thats real USA Pharm grade anabolic steroids. A 50 cc bottle of Finajet was $75. Parabolan was expensive at $9 for 3 amps made in France by Negma. I used to get other guys to buy stuff, and make enough to cover my own use. It was a great situation to be in in 1986-1988. Things were good, very very good. A few years down the line that would all change when Ben Johnson got popped in Seoul and now everybody was buzzing about anabolic steroids and how they kill people. We all just laughed at how naive the public really was. Steroids had been around since the 1940’s when Adolf Hitler used to give them to his troops to heighten aggression. Now our little secret was exposed. Nobody knew how this would change the landscape of things. we would later find out it was going to be life altering for some. In my next installment, we will talk about some wild over the top behavior and one of my personal favorites, Garoid!
[h=1]Anabolic Steroids: The New Whipping Boy In The War On Drugs.[/h]The many problems with our lifestyle were about to come to a head. After the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, there was a heightened awareness about performance enhancing drugs. Ben Johnson was made a scapegoat for a massive problem in all sport. Now that anabolic steroids were suddenly known throughout the masses, politicians got up on their soapboxes and decided to clear this menacing problem up. George Bush and Congress passed the Anabolic Control Act of 1990. It was a very heavy-handed legislation aimed at getting steroids off the streets. Never mind that they really are not nearly as prevalent as many would have you believe. The far bigger social issues were and still are alcohol and tobacco. They are the 2 most widely abused drugs in the world, causing a multitude of deaths, but they are socially acceptable. Open up newspapers everyday and you see a story about a drunk driving death and arrests. Last I checked, the number one and two causes of death in the United States are heart disease and cancer. So it made perfect sense to vilify something so miniscule and meaningless.
[h=2]Politicians Pass A Dumb Law For Anabolic Steroids[/h]The law was seriously flawed in that it went against the laws of the land. Anabolic steroids were now Schedule III drugs. Never mind that they don’t qualify as being a Schedule III drug in any way, shape or form. To be Schedule III, something needs to be highly physically addictive. Drugs like Demerol, Morophine, and other potent pain killers like Oxycontin and Vicodin. It is a huge witch hunt that has destroyed the lives of many otherwise productive member of society. Most of these people who use steroids are people who have jobs, but they like making their bodies their hobby. People should have aright to choose whatever they want to do with their body. If I have to subsidize dialysis treatment for an obese person who ate their way into diabetes, I should be able to use whatever I want so long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of other people. It really should be controlled and dispensed by physicians. All the new laws did was to create a black market and criminal element. Now the drugs were all coming from places like Mexico and other less than savory places with shoddy manufacturing practices. After the 1990 law changes, the market in the USA dried up until Mexico stepped up to fill the void. I know first hand because I used to help a friend out to fill orders in Michigan.
[h=2]Anabolic Steroids Destroy A Life, Not Health And Eric Irons Almost Shit Himself![/h]A guy I played college football with and who went on to play pro baseball decided to help supply guys with drugs. Never mind that he had a trucking business making him $600,000 per year. The urge to be a player and criminal apparently over rode his common sense. We will call him John just to protect his identity. His father Joe used to run with the mafia, stealing heavy equipment from construction sites. He was eventually nabbed and did 8 years in state prison. He had a friend who did 8 years with him named Sam. John decided to call Sam up and see if he could use his fruit market in San Diego to mule steroids over the border from Tijuana Mexico into the USA. So the deal was I would get paid $2000 to fly to San Diego, hook up with Sam, give him what we wanted and then hang out for a few days funning and sunning in San Diego while Sam’s workers did their magic. The first and only time I met this guy I was scared shitless. I drove a rental car into some Laotian neighborhood past local gangs up into the foothills above San Diego. When I go there Sam invited me into his apartment. Apparently he lived alone. His eyes were sunk into his head and he looked like he needed to sleep for about a year straight. I later learned he was a meth addict. So we sit in his bedroom and I hand him the money from John that I believe was $8000. There was a nickel-plated 357 Magnum on the nightstand which really freaked me out. Sam went on to explain that he would kill for Joe as they had each other’s backs in prison. He said Joe spoke on my behaIf and said I was “good people.” I felt so friggin scared at that point. I was fresh out of college and I just never had seen this side of life. So after I gave him a list of what we needed, the closet door opens up and this oriental woman steps out holding a gun. Apparently, she was insurance in case I tried anything funny. My asshole could have been pin sized it was puckered so tight.
[h=2]Anabolic Steroids, Cocaine, Rental Cars, And More Trouble On The Horizon.[/h]Before I left, Sam pulled out a package and opened it up. It was a brick of yellow paste like stuff. He said “I want you to take this back as a gift for John.” It was pure 100% Colombian cocaine. I had never seen the stuff before let alone a kilo of raw coke! He made me do a nummy I think he called it? Like you see on all the cop shows. What they don’t tell you is that cocaine gets into your blood through the lip. I was suddenly very paranoid and jumpy. My heart was racing as I left and I was sure somebody had to be following me. I drove around in circles for a few hours losing imaginary tails. I finally drove back to my hotel. I was thinking to myself “what the hell am I doing?” So I hung with a buddy from college get hammered for a few days up in Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, and Huntington Beach. It was a lot of fun. Sam called and said he had the order filled and I could come pick it up. So I drove across the country with $8000 worth of Mexican anabolic steroids and an ounce of pure cocaine. I got back home and said hell no, never again! I was exposed briefly to that element and it scared the hell out of me. I decided I was done with anabolic steroids all together in any way. Things were about to get very interesting back in my old college town and in my hometown….

[h=1]The Shit Hits The Fan: Friends Arrested For Anabolic Steroids Manufacturing And Possession.[/h]
I took a job in California after I graduated. I was accepted into both medical school and chiropractic college after graduation, but both seemed cost prohibitive at the time. I figured I would work for a year, bank some money and then go back to school. My ambition was to study at NCC or National College of Chiropractic in Chicago. I liked it because it was a progressive chiropractic college and was big into diagnostics. It was a poor decision in retrospect not to go immediately. So I took a job in sales and lived in southern California. While I did well and made good money, I wasn’t happy with my life. Not long after I moved, my mother called me to tell me that she thought a bunch of my friends got arrested in a big steroid bust at a local gym. At this point there was no internet so we were at the mercy of snail mail. My Mom said she would cut out the article and mail it to me. Sure enough, John, some local gym owners, and a host of others were arrested and charged with conspiracy to distribute steroids, having manufacturing equipment, and possession. They had a ton of raw materials and were basically home brewing and labeling anabolic steroids out the one guys basement. The Feds apparently tracked huge shipments of 10 ml vials and also bulk oils to an address in my hometown. This was the first time I had heard of anyone getting indicted on such serious felony charges. It was a preview of things to come.
[h=2]Anabolic Steroids Cause The Destruction Of Johns Life.[/h]John was one of the key players in this network and I was kind of nervous due to my prior relationship with him. It sends you into a state of wondering if they are going to come after you for past transgressions. Did they know about my Mexico trip? I later learned that John never talked about any of that. He owned a legitimate trucking company and the Feds seized all his assets and equipment. Under the laws, if one cent of drug money cant be accounted for regarding paying for anything the defendant owns, the government has the right to seize it under drugs forfeiture laws. John took a $600,000 per year income and pissed it away for what? To be a player? He was so out of control, I didn’t really know the guy anymore. He did a year in federal prison and a year in a halfway house. His wife had divorced him, he had two kids out of wedlock with a stripper, and became a coke head loser. He completely destroyed his life for steroids. I always think ho stupid this guy was. All the other guys got varying degrees of time in prison, fines, and probation. I saw a lot of people lose their entire life savings and assets. Most of these guys recovered, learned, and live normal lives now.
[h=2]Big Trouble In College Town: Anabolic Steroids in Smalltown, USA![/h]Meanwhile, more craziness would ensue. Back in my college town, there was also a big bust. Mack and a bunch of guys I used to hang with all got popped for possession and distribution of anabolic steroids. Apparently, one of the friends who lived with Mack was actually an undercover FBI agent. Three years this guy went to school with us, partied with us, trained with us. Talk about patiently building a case. When they took down Mack and 4 other guys, it was downright scary. If they would go to that length, what wouldn’t they do? I was lucky I graduated when I did so I wasn’t sucked down with that sinking ship. Seems like I was lucky twice. I decided I was done with all of it. I had won some shows in bodybuilding, but I was done with it all. I decided to go get my body checked at the tender age of 24 and see if I had done any lasting damage. When I met with the doctor, he asked me to write down all the stuff I had used. The sheets went front and back. He was looking perplexed at one point. I asked him what was bothering him. He said I never heard of this one. I said “think equi as in equine, as in horse, pig, and cow on the bottle. I was talking about EQ or equipoise. The doctor was great and we had really good repoire. I also stunned him with Miberolone. He asked, so I told him. They were called Cheque Drops. The medicine was sublingual. You put it under your tongue and let it absorb transdermal then go train. It’s supposed to make you super aggressive and strong. It just made me spaced out so I stopped using the stuff. Its real use is to keep bitch dogs out of heat. I believe it was something on the order of 16 times more anabolic and 45 times more androgenic than testosterone. That is crazy to think how strong that is. I got a clean bill of health and some advice to steer clear in the future. I knew I was done at this point……or was I?