a few pic of me


New member
took these yesterday morning, i forgot to take my befor pics so these are my 2wk pics of my deca/test/fina cycle. im 197lbs here still 5'11(nope didnt grow) BF i dont know maybe 10% im not good at guessing that stuff. oh yea pics are kinda shity i took them with my phone

go ahead and pick me apart no need to sugar coat anything i wanna hear your honest opinions. thanx trap


  • 01.jpg
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its a full 2 min from previous pic and yes.... my bed still isnt made


  • 06.jpg
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The only thing I would say is to work on your chest to make it fuller but other than that, keep up the good work
ok here it goes, ready....

you look like youve been busting your ass bro. all you need is time and calories and more of the same. good job.
thanks everybody, yea i know my chest is lackin, one of my friend tells me i could eat cereal out of my chest. i knew the call for a wheel shot would come, ill go take some. disclaimer for my legs, i just started training them seriously about 2 yrs ago before that i was lame and just did upper body
Looks like you are naturally low with the bf% so I would concentrate on upping your protein and total calories, Overall good job and keep up the hard work!
Hey Trap ! long time no hear from ! hope every thing is ok your way !

as for the pics ! you are looking super lean ! legs are looking alot better ! great work !

hit me off some time soon ok !

lol i know with my name youd think id have big traps, i guess ive been false advertising.

BG right now im trying to do a "clean bulker" to see how things work as opposed to the "eat everything in sight" bulker. im eating super clean trying to just gain quality wieght, if i only gained 10 clean lbs on this id be happy. but your right i do need to eat some more

SHIKO whats up? ive been kinda busy lately getting ready to go play out in the woods for a couple wks. hit me up if you still wanna do that, the first thing not the second :D