A few Reviews....


Gold Member
Instead of making a bunch of different threads I figured I'd just post them all in one.

I don't post much but read everyday. So thanks to those who help me learn.

MC IGF: Like this needs another good review. Fast shipping, insane pumps, sore for days after. The biggest thing I've noticed is when on zero to low carbs, my weight maintains and I continue to lean out.

Human Evo- CoreBurner: My tolerance is very, very high to stimulants. I can literally feel this kick in. Focused, Sweating, Energy, great product.

PSL: I haven't officially used them YET. But the guys here have promptly answered all my questions. I'll update when I start with them in the fall.

This completely slipped my mind:

MB: Fast and Discreet shipping. Running low dose Test E. Feeling good. Ran some Var (80mg) maybe 3 months ago. I had bad sides (like i was on winny) and no results....

MD: Been running MD's Test E and C previously low dose. For a long time. Felt good as well. As for the orals.... Felt nothing with the Proviron and Var.

Not trying to bash these guys by any means. They have always been quick to respond as well as polite. Just want to give real reviews for the rest of MC.
Instead of making a bunch of different threads I figured I'd just post them all in one.

I don't post much but read everyday. So thanks to those who help me learn.

MC IGF: Like this needs another good review. Fast shipping, insane pumps, sore for days after. The biggest thing I've noticed is when on zero to low carbs, my weight maintains and I continue to lean out.

Human Evo- CoreBurner: My tolerance is very, very high to stimulants. I can literally feel this kick in. Focused, Sweating, Energy, great product.

PSL: I haven't officially used them YET. But the guys here have promptly answered all my questions. I'll update when I start with them in the fall.


Thanks for sharing your reviews daddio