A political 'what if'


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So what if you wake up one day with this realization?

Your realize the two wings (R) (L) are here just to cause mass hysteria and arguments to hide the fact that no matter which is in office, they are screwing the people in general.

It just will effect one or two classes more than the other class(es) for 4-8 years, but than will switch to effect the other one to two class(es) in the following 4-8 years.
By doing so, it never let's the general public hone in on the fact of every year it gets worse for all.

It puts blame on the other supporters and takes a lot of heat off the government as a whole.

Assuming one truly realizes this they would no longer care about conservatives and liberals. That being said does anyone think this way?
What if? Bro that it what it is. No conspiracy, this is the truth and what is going on, and always has gone on. Don't get me started with all this government bullshit I can go on forever.

Our government has totally ruined our society. Youth is fucked, mentally and for the future. No values no ethics, women and men's roles are changing. Real men are almost non excistant, bunch pussies. More women doing men's jobs. Hard key any woman knows how to cook, or keep her ass in the house.

Its all government social media brain wash.

Im glad I'm from where I'm from. New Mexico is still old school.
Youth all want quick reward for doing nothing, they take no initiative. Ingrateful, little fuckers.

Have any of you noticed that no matter how much they debate in the White House the adgenda of the new world order is still moving forward. Small businesses almost don't excist any more. Slowly but surely things are closing down permanently. Just the other day I heard red lobster is closing nation wide. And Starbucks will soon follow as well. We are expiriencing food shortages. And over population. They say on tv that population is down. That's total bullshit. Women are popin out kids left and right. Russia is fixing to kick our ass. Etc. I could go on forever. The to side conservative and liberals. Is fake set up to put things in poeples minds to make them feel like their opinion matters.
lol I know its what I think. The Country is ruined and people want instant gratification because more and more people go to Universities to come out in debt over there head with no jobs in sight, or jobs well under what they should be getting paid

17 trillion in debt, fema camps being set up every where, over a billion rounds of 223 ammo a year, Remington agreeing to exclusively make Remington 700s for the gov
They are putting everyone on the welfare boat. Make everyone dependent on the government. Then the government will sink the ship.

Apple Ijuice2 phone
Google Cloward and Piven strategy. Its happening. They are going to try to collapse the system and battle lines are being drawn. Prepare for it. Store food, have the ability to filter water. Be able to protect yourself. Invest in Gold, Silver, Brass, Copper and Lead. Lots of the last 3.
I'm stocking up with buck shot for my Remington auto. I have five hundred rounds so for I need at least 2000
Google Cloward and Piven strategy. Its happening. They are going to try to collapse the system and battle lines are being drawn. Prepare for it. Store food, have the ability to filter water. Be able to protect yourself. Invest in Gold, Silver, Brass, Copper and Lead. Lots of the last 3.
Yeah class war shit. I wish they would do more to prevent the abuse of programs meant to help people who need it. I still believe this could be an easy task to accomplish, but if it were it wouldn't help lead to class wars as stated.
Google Cloward and Piven strategy. Its happening. They are going to try to collapse the system and battle lines are being drawn. Prepare for it. Store food, have the ability to filter water. Be able to protect yourself. Invest in Gold, Silver, Brass, Copper and Lead. Lots of the last 3.

this strategy is holding true, the media keeps saying that unemployment is dropping. What is really happening is unemployment is running out so people are having to get on welfare (overloading the system)

Congress choose not to have the unemployment extensions...maybe later down the road they will change their minds but I'm sure that there will be something tacked onto the bill such as a raise for themselves
Yeah class war shit. I wish they would do more to prevent the abuse of programs meant to help people who need it. I still believe this could be an easy task to accomplish, but if it were it wouldn't help lead to class wars as stated.

What needs to happen is end all forms of welfare both corporate and to the private citizen. I do not care if you lose your job, its not the responsibility of the rest of the tax payers to give you a free phone, discounted electric bills, and EBT card and section 8 housing. Get off your ass and do something to become a productive member of society instead of making more babies from Leroy and his hommies. Welfare breeds more welfare. Its does not encourage people to go back to work, just the opposite.

Cloward and Piven is not about class warfare BTW. Its about overloading the system with people 100% dependent on the Govt for their next meal and then pulling the carpet out from under them in order to create a revolution to over throw the govt. The political leftist in this country have been wanting a violent revolution since the 1960's. Now those very same 1960's radicals are the ones in elected position. They learned they could not over night take control as the people would not go for it. What's going on now is the result of these people infiltrating themselves into all levels of govt and executing their plan to a T.

Read Saul Alinky's Rules for Radicals. Explains just whom these people are and what we are dealing with.
What needs to happen is end all forms of welfare both corporate and to the private citizen. I do not care if you lose your job, its not the responsibility of the rest of the tax payers to give you a free phone, discounted electric bills, and EBT card and section 8 housing. Get off your ass and do something to become a productive member of society instead of making more babies from Leroy and his hommies. Welfare breeds more welfare. Its does not encourage people to go back to work, just the opposite.

Cloward and Piven is not about class warfare BTW. Its about overloading the system with people 100% dependent on the Govt for their next meal and then pulling the carpet out from under them in order to create a revolution to over throw the govt. The political leftist in this country have been wanting a violent revolution since the 1960's. Now those very same 1960's radicals are the ones in elected position. They learned they could not over night take control as the people would not go for it. What's going on now is the result of these people infiltrating themselves into all levels of govt and executing their plan to a T.

Read Saul Alinky's Rules for Radicals. Explains just whom these people are and what we are dealing with.

I read part of it was to get middle classed individuals pissed off at the lower class getting the free benefits
'They stated that full enrollment of those eligible for welfare “would produce bureaucratic disruption in welfare agencies and fiscal disruption in local and state governments” that would “deepen existing divisions among elements in the big-city Democratic coalition: the remaining white middle class, the working-class ethnic groups and the growing minority poor.'

Maybe I read that incorrectly, but that's how I perceived it.
The poor do not hate the middle class per say, they hate the rich. When the middle class is destroyed by over taxation and poor monetary policy and they become the poor and the ones on govt dependence and the carpet is pulled out from underneath them they will blame the rich. They will then BEG the govt to FIX the problem and thus nationalize everything the rich own and produce. Its about a communist takeover of the country. The govt goal to destroy the middle class is working.

Cloward and Piven is more about Govt verses the people than it is the People vs the People in various classes.
The poor do not hate the middle class per say, they hate the rich. When the middle class is destroyed by over taxation and poor monetary policy and they become the poor and the ones on govt dependence and the carpet is pulled out from underneath them they will blame the rich. They will then BEG the govt to FIX the problem and thus nationalize everything the rich own and produce. Its about a communist takeover of the country. The govt goal to destroy the middle class is working.

Cloward and Piven is more about Govt verses the people than it is the People vs the People in various classes.

Well I can't say that I haven't believed that for a very long time now, always stating the significance of a Rome comparison
Must be nice to be allowed to own a gun LEGALLY

In a country where the Dictator in Chief has already attempted to follow Hitler's plan to disarm the masses. Our Govt has chosen the route of "inspiring the public" via a series of well timed Govt sponsored media performances. Legality is becoming nothing but semantics. Especially when it is likely that these laws will be in place due to Presidential decree or some other back door legislation.
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It's comforting to see that people are awake to what is going on. Although I feel its blindingly obvious, its clear that the majority of society does not see or does not care. With the exception of a couple new ingredients, this recipe has been used before and the resultant product is far from the principles and basic freedoms that this country was built on.
I have no doubt that in the following decade what I'm doing will be labelled illegal, but my perception is that my freedom is my fundamental right and I will not obey any law that infringes on that basic Constitutional Right. I don't need a Supreme Court full of Socialists to interpret the Constitution for me and I pity the citizens that do.
You all see where things are going. It's only prudent planning to prepare for a future when these challenges become a reality. I'm no bible thumper or preacher, but even the Bible states that a good Christian prepares for himself and his family and does not RELY on others to provide for them.
Everyone needs to take a look at the latest issue of Rolling Stone Magazine. An author openly advocates the US completely and formally move from capitalism to Socialism. The writing is on the wall folks. It's going to happen. The first step in a Socialist movement is nationalizing ALL RESOURCES. Prepare for it
I've been sounding the alarm for well over ten years. I used to get called crazy, nuts a conspiracy nut, tin foil hat wearer. Now things I've been saying for over ten years have happened, are happening and people are talking about them in the mainstream.

I have very little doubt things are going to collapse as its going on now. I just do not know if its going to be a long drawn out production or there will be an event that precipitates the collapse. No matter what its going to happen and honestly it needs to happen. The reset butten needs to be pushed. But out of the ashes will the people rise up and will they come out more free and will they set up new constitutional govt or will the boots of tyranny step on the necks of the people. Well I'm prepping for the second to happen. My Family fought in the Original American Revolution, If I have to I will fight in version 2.0. I will die a free man.