A quick hello


New member
Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. I joined about a week or two ago and have been out of town so, this about my first time to post. I'm probably one of, if not the oldest one on board here, so my days of great size or competition are already past. I do try to hit the gym pretty hard and usually 5-6 days a week when all my aches and pains take a rest. lol I really enjoy reading about progress members make and try to learn everything I can. I like to post to make people smile and offer encouragement whenever I can but probably won't start a lot of threads. I'm on TRT but try to do a small cycle every now and then. As I said, big boy days are gone, but I always want to be the guy that everyone says, "Jeez look at that old guy" haha.
Welcome aboard Bro!!! This is a great place with some really knowledgeable and cool guys who are eager to help and share advice
Welcome! There are alot of us on here that are past our big size days. It's all in how you look.. I've seen some crazy looking guys and they turned out to be in their middle 50's. I don't mean impressive for 50... I mean crazy good shape period