a true bulker with dbol and testosterone


New member
Looking to do a legit bulking stack using dbol with testosterone
going to be doing 500 milligrams of the test and 25mgs of the dbol for 12 weeks.
My question is when should I stop the dbol at 4 or 6 weeks?
And can I run it again toward the end of the cycle?
I’m 195 pounds and five foot 11 and I’m 26 years old
Looking to do a legit bulking stack using dbol with testosterone
going to be doing 500 milligrams of the test and 25mgs of the dbol for 12 weeks.
My question is when should I stop the dbol at 4 or 6 weeks?
And can I run it again toward the end of the cycle?
I’m 195 pounds and five foot 11 and I’m 26 years old
dbol and test you can bulk but at your age i would keep dbol to 4 week at 30mgs
i would highly advise waiting a few more years before using any steroids... also, 500 mg of test is not light, so not sure where you are coming up with that... for anyone reading, do not run dbol over 4 weeks.. its too much estrogen conversion to go longer than that especially with a higher dose of test...