AAS storage


New member
Do AAS's have to be kept in a cool dry place? reason im asking is because where i keep mine (Test P and Ace) is slightly warmer than room temperature.
i would definitely try to keep them in a cooler place, it won't effect it short term but in the long run it will. Someone with some chemistry or home brew knowledge should chime in
short term as in how long? This is all for 1 cycle (10weeks). Think it would be effected for 10weeks in a warmer climate?

Its not warm all the time... id say about half the time... umm, think of it as a room that goes warm during half the day and room temp. the rest of it
oh for for 10 weeks you'll be OK, I thought you were talking about months and months of storing them.... like Superman said just try to keep them from getting "too hot"