ab fat / love handles


New member
Curious as to what some of you think the best first cycle would be, here are the particulars.

I am 40 yrs. old. In the last 2 1/2 years I have lost 100#'s, mostly with very low carbs and ECA stacks. Waist went from a 46 to a 32, but the problem is, around the gut (abs and love handles) still at 38", plus it looks like I have become to accustomed to the low carbs and ECA and have hit a major plateau. Looks like shit. I am 6'0" , 200#'s and about 16% bf. My goal is to get to >10% bf, and get rid of those ugly love handles. I'll add as much muscle as necessary to get my metabolism up to the point where they stay off.

Just as a side note. I am on my second cycle of the Animal staks with animal cuts and hydroxy cut as a filler. They don't seem to be doing anything for the fat but it does seem to have cut my recovery time buy about 50% which lets me work out 1-2 days more a week. If you have any stories or examples that would be even better. I can get any amount of information to say anything I want it to by reading other peoples articles and opinions. I would be much more interested in some one that is older and has had "real" results.
I think that is good advice for anyone reading this post, and I have recently started doing that. I got to the point where I could go for a month at less than 20gms per day and not see a thing. What I started doing about a month ago was taking in 1-200 gms on my rest days. Right now I am on a 3 on 2 off work out schedule. With plenty of protien, glutamine, creatine and animal staks that seems to give me enough recovery time. On work out days I try to keep it below 20 again. I'll give that another month or two and see what happens.
try some T3, yohimburn, l-caritine(injectable) and at 40 you'd love GH.. that would be the number 1 product for you.. just do alot of reading on the subject before you start...

Remember one thing bro. At our age, those love handles just don't go away. I am at 5%Bf right now, and I look pretty ripped and still have my love handles. They are extremely small compaired to how they were 13 weeks ago, but they are still there. Other people don't see them, but my posing coach and I do. Diet and cardio are the keys to getting rid of them. The rest of the drugs and suppliments help, but diet is what will get you where you want to be. Chicken, egg whites, a little veggies and some MCT oil is all I eat now, and will be eating for the next three weeks. Good luck! Later
Thought I would reply since I did my leg workout today and can't get up right now anyway. LOL Damn Napalm1 you were supposed to tell me about the "magic" pill that would make them go away in a couple of weeks so I wouldn't have to keep workin so hard. LOL

Oh well thanks for the input guys, gives me a little more stuff to research for now while I'm still investigating ideas for cycles stemming on availability and price. But in the meantime, we'll just keep on doing it the hard way. :-)
Gear101* said:
at 40 you'd love GH.. that would be the number 1 product for you.. gear101

For your goals Gear is right IMO,HGH will alter the fat distribution pattern as well as lower bf%. T3 and antiestrogens will also but to a lesser degree.
Be Active...

I know my title to this post is a big "Duh", but seriously... I have gone from 231lbs to 209lbs in less than a month... This is what I do.

Throughout the day I do 4-5 sets of pushups & 4-5 sets of abs, before I eat breakfast I do swiss ball abs with cable resistance & ankle weighted leg lifts.

I also work out EVERYDAY and do CARDIO EVERYDAY for at least 25min. Try that out! Worked great for me...

Oh yea, HGH is a great Idea! But you might want to get you feet wet using AAS first for muscle.

Try Winstrol Depot / Equipoise / Test Prop...

EQ 500mg (1-10)
Test P. 150mg/eod (1-10)
Winstrol D 50mg/eod (7-12)

And you need to research NOLVADEX, ARIMIDEX, CLOMID, HCG, PROVIRON... Because those are your best friends while juicing, because they can stop the side effects!

Later Bro, and Good Luck!
Thanks guys, looks like you are all saying the same thing, at least in the same ball park. Got a buddy of mine going to Mexico in June, getting him prepped with pics and advice too, for his pharmacy visit :-) .