Iron Game

Gold Member
Actual Custom Cycle Used To Turn Pro

In 2011 I was privileged to work with a top national level bodybuilder who I had known for about 3 years. He’s a very hard working dedicated bodybuilder with a steel will and tremendous determination. I admire his machine like eating habits and hard work ethic in the gym. He’s also blessed with good genetics but frankly his nutrition and training are dialed in like few others I have ever met personally. I cannot express how immensely important nutrition, training and recovery are to be successful at a high level in bodybuilding.

One thing that struck me was he was always dieting very hard in his previous preps and it seemed to me his body was at a stage where it was ready to grow. He had done relatively low dose cycles in the past and during the interview process we decided that he should use AAS doses higher than he had ever used before.

I typically like to interview a bodybuilder to determine what side effects and responses they have had from any previously used compounds. Once I finish the interview process we have a clear customized plan based on the goals and experience level of the person. He knows his body better than anyone so most of the interview is listening and letting the bodybuilder do what has worked for them in the past with some tweaks. Therefore this cycle is not meant for anyone else, but it’s a custom cycle for a particular person with particular goals. I’m not advocating readers attempt this cycle and a medical doctor should be consulted before using any medications.

His goals were to add as much LBM as possible in phase one then switch to a second cutting phase. He had recently come off of a prep and his body was primed for growth. Many times when a bodybuilder has dieted down and depleted their body through rigorous training and dieting they are in such a depleted state that they will make amazing gains going straight into a lean bulk. It’s almost as if the body soaks up every bit of nutrition and dramatic changes in LBM are produced. The primed bodybuilder seems ultra-sensitive to the flood of androgens and increased calories. We decided to take advantage of this condition and implement the lean mass phase right away.

Phase One

Week 12-week 7
900mg Test E weekly
400mg Deca weekly
300mg Tren E
50mg D-bol daily
4iu's Mon-Fri HGH
250iu's HCG Mon and Thur

Week 6 and week 5
600mg Test E weekly
300mg Tren E weekly
300mg Masteron weekly
50mg Winstrol daily
50mg Proviron daily
4iu's Mon-Fri HGH
250iu's HCG Mon and Thur

Phase Two

Week 4 and week 3
300mg Test Prop weekly
300mg Tren A weekly
300mg Masteron weekly
50mg Winstrol daily
50mg Proviron daily
30mg Halotestin daily
4iu's Mon-Fri HGH
250iu's HCG Mon and Thur

Week 2
300mg Test Prop weekly
300mg Tren A weekly
300mg Masteron weekly
50mg Winstrol daily
50mg Proviron daily
60mg halotestin daily
4iu's Mon-Fri HGH
250iu's HCG Mon and Thur

Week of the show
50mg Winstrol daily
50mg Proviron daily
60mg Halotestin daily

The whole time on
Arimidex .5mg Mon/Wed/Fri
Clenbuterol 50mcg twice a day
Cytomel (T3) 25mcg twice a day (cut this on first day of carb load)

This bodybuilder worked exceedingly hard during his prep. He did not cheat on his nutrition plan or his training. He remained focused all 12 weeks and his reward was victory. His pro card became a reality in 2011 and I was blessed to be a small part of his journey.


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winstrol, proviron and halo daily the week of the show, fuck that shit! lol, More power to him though and if it helped get him over the hump to turn pro, then God bless him