Admit to Using Gear With Doctors?


New member
When going in for a physical and having blood work done, if the doctor asks if you are doing steroids or not, based on the test results, is it best to admit to them or not? I would imagine so, just for the sake of honestly gauging your health. What are your experiences with this?
too risky not to. the worst that could happen is your life insurance company find out. he cant tell anyone while your alive. if he gets medicine wrong that doesnt interact well with a.s. because you didnt tell him, its your fault.
My doc is a bodybuilder and I told him and it turns out he uses them also....We ended up become training partners and we did a comp together...
I agree to tell them. But, it will most probably be put down on your medical record. Insurance companies can have access to this info as well and you can be denied medical coverage.
WEIGHT77, that's hilarious! That's like a drug fiend befriending a pharmacist, who is also a hophead. That rocks!

That's reassuring, that it is against the oath of doctors to divulge information about yourself to anyone at all.

Is my use of gear something I would want to bring up to him beforehand, or only if he asks?
I say no, for insurance reason, my doc back in VA freaked out
he asked if i was taking supplements because they know the
signs your standing there with no close on i I told him
i was taking creatine and he put it in my file and did extensive
blood work and of course it came out fine.
I haven't said anything, but I've only been o the doctor for things that were wrong with me, not a regular check-up. My blood-work and such has been through the HRT clinic I use.
I just don't know if I'd trust a doctor. I don't have a regular doctor locally anyway. I just go the clinic or take an ambulance to the emergency room. LOL
You guys are phuking crazy. Don't tell them shit. If you think that they won't put that info in your file, you're nuts. Confidentiality my ass.....

You could be denied medical benefits, lose your employment, be denied life insurance or a life insurance payout.

I have told my wife that if I ever keel over that she is to make sure I am dead and then, before calling ANYONE, she is to clear ANYTHING that is gear related from the house. THEN call the police or ambulance or whatever. Otherwise, she could miss out on my life insurance.

I know that there are times when you might have something that you are taking that could not mix well with other drugs that your doctor might prescribe BUT... go out of your way to NOT tell them unless you absolutely have to. For every 1 cool doctor who will understand or be on gear himself, there are a thousand that will at the very least chastize you.

Just my opinion but........

Skip said:
You guys are phuking crazy. Don't tell them shit. If you think that they won't put that info in your file, you're nuts. Confidentiality my ass.....

You could be denied medical benefits, lose your employment, be denied life insurance or a life insurance payout.

I have told my wife that if I ever keel over that she is to make sure I am dead and then, before calling ANYONE, she is to clear ANYTHING that is gear related from the house. THEN call the police or ambulance or whatever. Otherwise, she could miss out on my life insurance.

I know that there are times when you might have something that you are taking that could not mix well with other drugs that your doctor might prescribe BUT... go out of your way to NOT tell them unless you absolutely have to. For every 1 cool doctor who will understand or be on gear himself, there are a thousand that will at the very least chastize you.

Just my opinion but........


I agree 100%

A doc has to put down in the chart what you tell him because if anything happened to you and he did not put it down he can be held negligent.
My doc freaked out and got so scared! I had to tell him because he wanted to prescribe me pills that were very toxic to my liver, if I hadnt of told him about the AAS usage he would have just put me on those pills.
it's a catch 22 don't tell them they could prescribe something that doesn't mix with the gear.

tell them, they write it down, later you can loose your health insurance or life insurance.