Advice before this white boy handles it?


New member
My wife gets payed good money at her job, she has been looking for another job but its a hard field and anything she has found its a BIG pay cut. Her boss is nothing but a bully toward her but not the other male holding the same position. We cant risk loosing her job until she finds something else but as a man and her husband I cant let her deal with this bullshit. She know's me and how I am! This is why she made me promise to keep my mouth shut until she finds something else.

I think its time her boss gets to know my ex con white boy ass with a nice quite man to man talk!
Don't do it bro if u piss him off and he is that big of a ass he will never give her a gods refferel best thing to do if he is treating her that bad go to eeoc (unemployment ) talk to there lawyers about hostile work environment they will burn his ass trust me I had to do it once
So wait until she finds another source of income before looking into something like this? I think if we talk he will change his ways for real.
My wife gets payed good money at her job, she has been looking for another job but its a hard field and anything she has found its a BIG pay cut. Her boss is nothing but a bully toward her but not the other male holding the same position. We cant risk loosing her job until she finds something else but as a man and her husband I cant let her deal with this bullshit. She know's me and how I am! This is why she made me promise to keep my mouth shut until she finds something else.

I think its time her boss gets to know my ex con white boy ass with a nice quite man to man talk!

I say wait until she finds something better, THEN have the talk you want to have.
Bro, I'm not going to comment because I care and I'm not known for making the right decisions but I want you to know I'm going to say a prayer.
never burn a bridge unless you have to.... i agree with the guys
I'm with the group on this one! I know it sucks but remember what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
My wife gets payed good money at her job, she has been looking for another job but its a hard field and anything she has found its a BIG pay cut. Her boss is nothing but a bully toward her but not the other male holding the same position. We cant risk loosing her job until she finds something else but as a man and her husband I cant let her deal with this bullshit. She know's me and how I am! This is why she made me promise to keep my mouth shut until she finds something else.

I think its time her boss gets to know my ex con white boy ass with a nice quite man to man talk!

How's it going with this?
She is going to write him a letter based on everything ,have it notarized and keep a copy for herself, and start logging everything. If he keeps being a dick and it goes to court we started a paper trail. I am 99.9% this will turn into a law suit! I am also 100% positive once its all over I will have my face to face talk!
I dealt with this for 10 years Bro. I sued my employer 6 times... I fought them kicking and screaming for 10 years and in the end... it didn't make one lick of difference. Some people are shit bags.. it is what it is. Document and cover your ass. When she gets a new job ream his ass out and punk him out in front of everyone you possibly can... but not until she has a start date. I did EEOC complaints, lawsuits (multiple), HIPPA violations, discrimination suits, I mean damn Bro you name it... I made quite the name for myself. When others would have problems they would call me even though we paid to have union representation.. guys and girls I had never met would call me and meet with me and share there most closely guarded issues.. you need to remember that they aren't worth a shit. Get the money you need and keep yourselves financially stable and find a new place. You will never change them... even if you sue and win... ask me how I know... I mean I would tell my supervisor in a room full of coworkers that being as I had already had to sue the agency once over her illegal and inappropriate behaviour that I would not speak with her without a lawyer present... she just said ok... she wasn't even reassigned much less reprimanded... and they forked out a good chunk of money to settle that out of court... the stories I could tell
Haste makes waste,just plan it out. Years ago I worked for a major Bank and they treated me like dog crap. So i carefully constructed a plan that would cause my boss maximum aggravation. My job was to count checks and match them with the statement and mail them out. At the end of every month we had to work real late to make sure all the monthly statements went out with the exact number of checks as indicated by the statement,place them in a large envelope and put it in the mail bin. These were major companies that did business with this major bank and large numbers of checks, hundreds to thousands of checks. So I planned everything out. I mismatched checks from different companies and placed them with different statements and mailed them all over the world. I can still remember walking over to the large mail bin and dropping them in. I did this for 2 days straight, working 12 hour days. Right after this was pay day. We weren't allowed to cash our checks at break time on pay day. Since it was going to be my last day I did it anyway. After getting my cash I returned to my desk and put my feet up on my desk. The assistant mgr walked up and told me that the boss was looking for me and I shouldn't of cashed my check as it was against policy. I said I didn't care and that I was quitting. He then asked me," when are you quitting?". I told him right now, and I walked up to the boss in front of the entire work crew, flung my badge at him and told him to shove his job up his arse. Then I left the building. Yea I had to suck it up for few weeks but to pass the time I just listened to the Johnny paycheck song, take this job and shove it. It was well worth it.
She is going to write him a letter based on everything ,have it notarized and keep a copy for herself, and start logging everything. If he keeps being a dick and it goes to court we started a paper trail. I am 99.9% this will turn into a law suit! I am also 100% positive once its all over I will have my face to face talk!
Have her contact eeoc ( unemployment ) and talk to one of there lawyers free with a copy of the letters she sends and rember the words hostile work environment