Advice on first cutting cycle igf and winstrol??


Hey everybody....
so im finishing up my cycle with test p and deca. What I usually do is do a cycle with igf. Its always worked great, I love the stuff. I was thinking of adding some winstrol to the mix. So a 8-10 wk cycle of igf and winstrol..... any thoughts? Thanks in advance
Hey everybody....
so im finishing up my cycle with test p and deca. What I usually do is do a cycle with igf. Its always worked great, I love the stuff. I was thinking of adding some winstrol to the mix. So a 8-10 wk cycle of igf and winstrol..... any thoughts? Thanks in advance
U are using test prop with deca???
Those esters do not match what so ever!!

Prop and npp wouldn't be so bad!!

The whole cutting thing depends on where u at bf%, cycle length, age, all those things.
To extend it.

But imo the deca gotta go!!!
If u wanna finish with a cut u gotta get rid of deca.
Answer questions I asked, I will respond!

But u just can't add winny and get a cut out of it!!!

Let me guess deca left u bloated with soft lower chest?

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Oh, ummmm no i dont have any bloating. I always use prop bc the othe esters i do feel bloated and gain water weight. Well im towards the end of the cycle anyway like the last 2 weeks. I guess i know for next time. Thanks!! Im 31 510 was 180-185 now im 195-200. 12-12.5% bf. I usually just do an igf cycle afterwards. Which i will do. I was just wondering if there was something I could add to it to help.
Oh, ummmm no i dont have any bloating. I always use prop bc the othe esters i do feel bloated and gain water weight. Well im towards the end of the cycle anyway like the last 2 weeks. I guess i know for next time. Thanks!! Im 31 510 was 180-185 now im 195-200. 12-12.5% bf. I usually just do an igf cycle afterwards. Which i will do. I was just wondering if there was something I could add to it to help.
I hope u do know that deca needs to be stopped 3 weeks minimum before stopping prop.
So yeah, when u drop deca run prop for 4-5 more weeks and add winny or anavar.
Proviron and or mast prop can be used on top of winny or anavar!!
There u go

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Yessir i finished deca up last week and i have 2 more weeks left. Ok ill do that then. ill just extend my prop and add winstrol. :) after my pct and everything ill do an igf only cycle.
You dont need to match esters in order to stack, so not sure what all the hub Bub was about regarding propionate and deca, shit thats a tried and true stack. I personally prefer to stack short esters, but I would never say anything is wrong with doing long nd shorts,

Anyhow, to answer your question slice, I personally wouldnt use winstrol and igf alone, I would however do winstrol propionate and igf, and cut the fuck up from that.

As for doing igf alone, during pct, sure it works and I have done it and held gains and thought it helped me stay fuller during pct, but if igf-1 lr3 is a once in a while thing for you, then dont waste it by doing it alone, use it stacked with your cycle, be that a cutting or bulking cycle!

Especially a cutting cycle , as the igf-1 lr3 makes your body use fat for energy!
You dont need to match esters in order to stack, so not sure what all the hub Bub was about regarding propionate and deca, shit thats a tried and true stack. I personally prefer to stack short esters, but I would never say anything is wrong with doing long nd shorts,

Anyhow, to answer your question slice, I personally wouldnt use winstrol and igf alone, I would however do winstrol propionate and igf, and cut the fuck up from that.

As for doing igf alone, during pct, sure it works and I have done it and held gains and thought it helped me stay fuller during pct, but if igf-1 lr3 is a once in a while thing for you, then dont waste it by doing it alone, use it stacked with your cycle, be that a cutting or bulking cycle!

Especially a cutting cycle , as the igf-1 lr3 makes your body use fat for energy!
It was hoping he knew to stop deca before prop!!!
Because he didnt specify!!! He said he was finishing up! Not ran prop and deca stopped deca and have 3 weeks left of prop!!
Sorry boss was trying to get more info and help him at same time.
I understood and stated meaning that about esters when stopping.

That is all.
It was to get more info and be sure he didnt stop prop before deca ester is out!!

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Yessir i finished deca up last week and i have 2 more weeks left. Ok ill do that then. ill just extend my prop and add winstrol. :) after my pct and everything ill do an igf only cycle.
I would add igf to gear
Get most out of it.
Cells take in more in gear.
New igf cells can grow faster.
And also help gear by shuttling

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I am agree with muscles machine, he has good points regarding the same. Thanks for this suggestions.

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