Advice with downtime from traveling


New member
Looking for some advice from the vets here. I'm already 4 weeks in on a Prop/NPP cycle with Var thrown in. Doing well and seeing gains. Pinning EOD and Var everyday. Now I will be working in Sus since I never tried it before and excited to see what it can do. Unfortunately I still cant get away from the EOD since I will still be on NPP. But I am thinking of pinning the Sus every 5 days. Gonna stop the var soon though.

So here is the question...I am going away for a week soon. I wanted the sus to kick in so I can get off the prop. BUT, I cant take anything with me! Not gonna chance it. So...I am thinking if I pin the sus the day before or day of, that would be fine for the 7 days....but I guess I will miss 2 hits of NPP. I will pick it back up as soon as I come back....but is that a problem??? I am thinking is should be ok....what do you guys think?
yea...I just hate to interrupt the cycle...but at least the Sus would be in the system and then I will just pick back up on the NPP. It wont even matter if I add extra on the NPP since its a short ester. But I am only missing 2 pins.