anavar was fake and dangerous


New member
I put my girlfriend on afip anavar and it’s been a huge disappointment.
Been on 10mgs a day of anavar for her and 50mgs a day of anavar for me.
We BOTH I’ve had a lot of weird side effects. For me I’m bloating up a lot and I’m definitely retaining water and for her she’s growing some facial hair and having some deepening voice.
Definitely think that this VAR is garbage and it’s something else don’t use these people
I put my girlfriend on afip anavar and it’s been a huge disappointment.
Been on 10mgs a day of anavar for her and 50mgs a day of anavar for me.
We BOTH I’ve had a lot of weird side effects. For me I’m bloating up a lot and I’m definitely retaining water and for her she’s growing some facial hair and having some deepening voice.
Definitely think that this VAR is garbage and it’s something else don’t use these people is super fake not good source
for the best quality please use
they have high quality para pharma and more,
plus great summer discounts