ALDACTONE: Why You Should AVOID It! #askDave

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6:49 - Advice to build the upper chest.
10:28 - Correlation between red meat and cholesterol levels?
15:20 - The REAL costs of a pro bodybuilder competing at a show.
20:16 - Do gyms have less camaraderie today than back in the day?
25:09 - Warning for those who think that GEAR (and only GEAR) will make you bigger.
29:46 - Best protocol for aldactone heading into a contest.
34:41 - Transitioning from calorie restricted diet to normal (or higher) caloric intake without rebounding poorly?
38:43 - I'm on 300mg / week testosterone cypionate. Does backloading into an insulin syringe, and pinning every day stop the conversion to estrogen vs pinning half a cc twice a week?
41:33 - Best timings to take FIBERLYZE.
42:55 - Does Dorian Yates' style of training is a forgotten art amongst today's bodybuilding?
47:15 - I’m sure this has been asked before but what’s the best time of the day to inject Test-E? I do cardio in the morning at 730am and weight training about 1100am would that have any effect on the dose if I was taking it in the morning?


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