All I can say is wow


New member
I have been on vacation this week and I took the family to great wolf lodge. They have this big in door water park and all kinds of slides. Being there for a few days we spent a lot of time at the water park. You would not believe the over wieght people and there kids. Being new to weight lifting I never really payed much attention to how people looked but now it's all I think about. And don't take this the wrong way I am not trying to make fun of people but god damn people really need to stop feeding their kids mc donalds and put their ass out side to play. I guess I never really knew what bad shape people are In until I started looking. So all I can say is wow! We Americans need some HELP!!
I think Oklahoma is higher than 15% its sad. Whats worse is my gym has a few cardio classes and all the women including the instructor are big and i think they get bigger each week.
the state that I live in is one of the top 5 states for overweight people and I can believe it, every where that me and the old lady go EVERYONE is fat...

we get some wierd looks when we go out, "holy dawg those is those steriod sons of bitchs, I saw that movie Exterminator when I was a young en"

that's ok though I've been sitting on my ass for about 3 months now so I'm starting to fit in at 250lbs of lard
It was the same way on the cruise that I was just on.. I was thinking that I would see spme hot ass chicks on there but there wasn't any to right home about.. And I even had by Beer Goggles on have the time.. lol
I remember taking my kids to swimming lessons and over 50% of the kids were fat as hell. It's sad to be that fat that young.
To one of the other comments - it is funny when you see someone (usually women) who are always at the gym with their personal
trainers and seem to be just getting fatter. I just shake my head when I see them having a calm conversation in the MIDDLE OF THIER
SET!! lol
was in canada recently , in the city (60000+ people) i noticed it was not very common to see fat people ,as a matter of fact very few, even at 1 of their largest malls there were very few. they have just as many fast food rest. and pretty much all the same foods available at the stores. friggin weird.