Almost died yesterday!!!

Big JC

New member
Well, as I stated in an earlier thread, I was testing out some new Axio products. Yesterday was my try at the new inj Clen/Yohim and it is obviously very, very powerful stuff. According to the site, its only 40mcg per ml. So I filled the pin to 1cc and let it rip in the delt. Well in a few minutes I got all sorts of jittery. After 15min my heart was leaping from my chest, and you could visually see my pulse at all pulse points. I was flushed, hot, ears ringing loudly and dizzy. So I went to a walk in clinic to get checked out. As I got there, they did not open till 10am, so panic set in and I got worse. I drove myself to the hospital and got myself admitted in emergency for chest pains. I was there for seven hours. And then I signed myself out. After I got home, then the real pain started. I had the most severe muscle spasms you could imagine, which lasted on and off for 6+ hours. I finally took a muscle relaxer, and 2 hydrocodones to try and get some rest. I was a mess, and it was a scary thing. I am just glad to still be here, seriously, it scared the shit out of me...

Big JC:dead::dead:
Wow, must have been a LOT stronger than 40mcg. Sounds like it was more like 400mcg. Hope you're okay.
Did they run an ekg or anything. That sounds extremely scary to me too. I have panic attacks and I would have probably passed out.
Yea, they ran all sorts of tests, and did the ekg, the scary thing to me was when they were taking my bp it came out at 118/32. They said the cuff might not fit right on my arm (huge, he, he,) and they tried it again, and the result was the same. I didnt like to see that. Now today, all my anxiety is back, I am a nervous reck, and my appetite is in the shitter.

Oh, and my resting bpm was 147 !!!!
Your transforming into the hulk , its only natural to go through these changes.

But on the serious not , I hope your alright and it all passes.
Chris, you know what......thats exactly what I was thinking of when I was rolling around on the kitchen floor, in agony. I was in probably the worst pain of my life, and I still had my sense of humor, cause I asked my wife if I was turning green!!!! She only felt a little sorry for me, as she says I bring this shit on myself. When she pissed me off, I told her to get her sister right over here, cause I thought I was dying.....she said, "why", and I said, cause I always wanted to bang her!!!! LOL. She went upstairs for the night after that, and left me there groaning.

Also, believe it or not, I could not sit down to shit. My abs would cramp so bad I couldnt do it. So I walked outside, stood in the lawn and shit standing up!!!! Yep, I did. I still had to go back inside to wipe up as I was too stupid to bring out the tp.

Big JC
Chris, you know what......thats exactly what I was thinking of when I was rolling around on the kitchen floor, in agony. I was in probably the worst pain of my life, and I still had my sense of humor, cause I asked my wife if I was turning green!!!! She only felt a little sorry for me, as she says I bring this shit on myself. When she pissed me off, I told her to get her sister right over here, cause I thought I was dying.....she said, "why", and I said, cause I always wanted to bang her!!!! LOL. She went upstairs for the night after that, and left me there groaning.

Also, believe it or not, I could not sit down to shit. My abs would cramp so bad I couldnt do it. So I walked outside, stood in the lawn and shit standing up!!!! Yep, I did. I still had to go back inside to wipe up as I was too stupid to bring out the tp.

Big JC
The last request of a dieing man syndrome huh? :) glad you ok tho man I would have gone postal on whoever had found me.
Chris, you know what......thats exactly what I was thinking of when I was rolling around on the kitchen floor, in agony. I was in probably the worst pain of my life, and I still had my sense of humor, cause I asked my wife if I was turning green!!!! She only felt a little sorry for me, as she says I bring this shit on myself. When she pissed me off, I told her to get her sister right over here, cause I thought I was dying.....she said, "why", and I said, cause I always wanted to bang her!!!! LOL. She went upstairs for the night after that, and left me there groaning.

Also, believe it or not, I could not sit down to shit. My abs would cramp so bad I couldnt do it. So I walked outside, stood in the lawn and shit standing up!!!! Yep, I did. I still had to go back inside to wipe up as I was too stupid to bring out the tp.

Big JC

Not to make light of things, but the shitting thing happened to me as well on clen - that is how I found out most liquid clen is overdosed, but I am curious to see how overdosed this version is. I know you are big guy as I am, so it really must be underdosed big time in order to have symptoms like that.
My thing is, my body is very sensitive at first. So even if its only been 6 months since i last started clen- i have to start back at 20mcgs or ill have a bad reaction.
Note to self; Fuck that shit.
I'd get a stress test and blood work just to make sure theres no damage. That b/p is f'd up. If I found that b/p on one of my patients I'd be calling the Doc.
Ive been there bro, i got a mislabled bottle of clen one time and took 1.5cc of it thinking it was going to be nolva. Bout 30 minutes later started getting jittery as shit and feeling weird. It was at this point i knew it was the wrong bottle i know what clen feels like. Bout 30 minutes after that i had to call my mom to come get me and take me to the ER. Resting heart rate was 155 to 170 depending on the time. I couldnt sign myself in my mom had to forge my name i was shaking so bad i threw the pen lol. They had to give me a bunch of drugs that cocain addicts have to take to slow my heart and reverse the effect. I threw up like 15 times and didnt sleep for 36 hours straight. I did the math and it came out to be just over 375mcg's at one dose.

On that note its scary bro and im glad you are doing better. Throw that shit out lol, Thats really good your bp stayed normal mine went up but not too crazy.
Note to self; Fuck that shit.
I'd get a stress test and blood work just to make sure theres no damage. That b/p is f'd up. If I found that b/p on one of my patients I'd be calling the Doc.

Muscleitis, give me a little more info here please. You know, I asked the doc why the b/p was so low, the emergency doc said "its nothing to worry about, its not critical", I was shocked. I did have blood work to ck for enzymes that might have suggested heart trauma, and they came back clean. They took an xray of the heart and said it looked slightly enlarged, my thought was from all the GH. My normal b/p runs 120/60. Please let me know what you think. Thanks bro.

Big JC
wow bro i didnt read the bp right that is crazy low, hopefully it was just the cuff :eek:
Chris, you know what......thats exactly what I was thinking of when I was rolling around on the kitchen floor, in agony. I was in probably the worst pain of my life, and I still had my sense of humor, cause I asked my wife if I was turning green!!!! She only felt a little sorry for me, as she says I bring this shit on myself. When she pissed me off, I told her to get her sister right over here, cause I thought I was dying.....she said, "why", and I said, cause I always wanted to bang her!!!! LOL. She went upstairs for the night after that, and left me there groaning.

Also, believe it or not, I could not sit down to shit. My abs would cramp so bad I couldnt do it. So I walked outside, stood in the lawn and shit standing up!!!! Yep, I did. I still had to go back inside to wipe up as I was too stupid to bring out the tp.

Big JC

BRO... i'm glad you're ok... but fuck man.. that shit had me laughing... how do you feel now about taking a 'trial' product? ... seriously.. would you do it again?
Are you feeling normal now? The other question is has the wife allowed you back in the bedroom. That was insane bro. Glad you are still with us.
Guys, I am feeling back to normal today, finally. My anxiety has decreased, also. But you guys will get a laugh out of this.....I am having anxiety every time I pin now, since I am mid cycle. Yesterday, I broke out into a cold sweat, and it took me 5 min to put the pin of winny in. This cycle is Test, tren hex, and winny oh, and proviron. I gotta tell ya, its a good one. The weird thing is my weight is just holding constant, (prob from not enough calories a day) but muscle size, hardness, and lowering of bodyfat is going on. My bed is a sweated mess every night though.

Big JC