Am i the only one who doesn't watch sports??


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
i mean..... i'll watch some mma every now and then if its on tv, but thats it. I guess i really just don't care enough. Anyone else like me, lol??
Dude, when I was younger I was the same way. As I have gotten older though, I fckn love sports. Not all sports, But football, boxing, MMA, and strongman are my faves. I FCKN HATE BASEBALL AN GOLF WITH A FCKN PASSION!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, and nascar sux balls. What is so cool about driving in a circle for 3 hours?????
Dude, when I was younger I was the same way. As I have gotten older though, I fckn love sports. Not all sports, But football, boxing, MMA, and strongman are my faves. I FCKN HATE BASEBALL AN GOLF WITH A FCKN PASSION!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, and nascar sux balls. What is so cool about driving in a circle for 3 hours?????
Exactly! oh wait... you get to drink budweiser while watching, lol
The only sports I watch is my kids football games and supercross. Other than that I don't care for any of them.
I'm the exact same way. Nothing but UFC once in a while with the g/f when there is nothing else on.
The only sports I watch is my kids football games and supercross. Other than that I don't care for any of them.
oh bad... i can't leave out supercross and motocross. Its been years since i watched, but i use to race, and that shit was fun!!
Watch mostly MMA and football, baseball, hockey,and almost all sports and ok one more use to have horses and we raced them all over the east coast.
I used to enjoy sports a lot more. But its only fun when you invest a lot of time in knowing the players. Who has time for that now days???
I used to enjoy sports a lot more. But its only fun when you invest a lot of time in knowing the players. Who has time for that now days???
and the players change teams and shit so much, and get traded all the time too ya know
yeah... exactly. So, you have to invest a shitload of time, or have an incredible network of people who can clue you in. Not to mention the 3 hour games... I have a hard enough time getting into the gym each day as it is.

I dont mind watching games while doing cardio though....
I like watching baseball, Indy, and Moto GP... I could watch those all day, especially Moto GP racing. Other than that, I can take or leave the rest. Oh, and I love women's beach volleyball and womens gymnastics. :D