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Anabolic Research On Orals & MCT Oil, Omega-6 & Taurine

Orals With MCT Oil?
How to get the most bioavailability (BV-the extent to which a compound can be used by the body) from your oral steroids is a common point of discussion. After all, anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are expensive— and for most users, illegal too. Being able to use the least number of pills to achieve your goals makes a lot of sense on more than one level. With that said, this is also an area that lacks consensus. With just a small number of relevant studies, we’re all doing a lot of speculating. Take with meals … take on an empty stomach … take with fats … avoid fats … there are many ideas. Crazy as it sounds, getting the most “bang for your steroid buck” has not been a big focus of the pharmaceutical industry. A new study is sure to stoke the fire of debate.

The paper in question looked at the use of oxandrolone in newborn infants following surgery for congenital heart disease.[SUP]1[/SUP] The study was very interesting, as it found oxandrolone to be safe and effective for diminishing muscle wasting following surgery. This is serious problem for this fragile neonatal population, potentially making oxandrolone a lifesaver here. Anyway, the finding relevant to our BV discussion involved the way the steroid was administered. In this case, the researchers prepared the drug in an oral solution, with either a water base or mixed with MCT (medium-chain triglycerides). In doing so, they noticed a significant BV advantage in one: when the steroid was dissolved in MCT oil. In fact, oxandrolone mixed with MCT remained more effective at half the dose!
This result seems to contradict recommendations to take oral steroids on an empty stomach. Instead, it suggests that for maximizing bioavailability, we might want to take them with a fatty meal, or even crushed and mixed with a small shot of MCT oil. Of course, there is reason to be cautious with this information. This was a small study. It also involved a very young group of ill patients, which may not relate fully to the effects noted with healthy adults. Without the benefit of additional larger adult studies, we really can’t draw conclusions yet. However, it certainly does provide reason enough to think about this subject again. Perhaps “oral oils” would be best after all? We’ll see.

Omega-6 Breaks Plateau
If you are an experienced lifter, you know what a plateau is. Perhaps you call it training stagnation, hitting a wall or being stale, but it is all the same … it is that frustrating point where in spite of significant effort in the gym, significant progress (gains) are not made. You can be stuck for months, sometimes years. If that describes you, then you might want to pay attention to this. A new paper published in the Public Library of Science (PLOS) journal PLOS ONE found the omega-6 fatty acid arachidonic acid (X-Factor) to break stagnation, and induce new gains in experienced but plateaued lifters.[SUP]2

The study gave a group of young men 1.5 grams of the omega-6 per day, or a matched placebo, over an eight-week period of weight training. During this time, the men taking arachidonic acid noticed significant new gains in lean body mass (2.9%), upper-body strength (8.7%) and peak power (12.7%). The subjects taking placebo, however, remained stagnant. This is the first supplement shown to break a plateau like this, and perhaps more importantly, the paper may help us understand more about how fats influence growth. Of course, I must disclose that the anabolic role of arachidonic acid is my discovery. The study was independently run, though my company funded it, and I’ve long been the main proponent for using this fatty acid in bodybuilding. So with that, I’d like to state a big “I was right” on this one.

Taurine and Blood Pressure
This is just a small note on the amino acid supplement taurine. Taurine is a common supplement, used for a variety of health reasons including the support of heart, liver and testicular function. A paper recently published in a Brazilian medical journal supports adding the stabilization of blood pressure in anabolic steroid users to that list.[SUP]3[/SUP] At least, that is a very early interpretation of a study conducted on rats. Researchers gave the animals a 12-week cycle of Deca (nandrolone decanoate). As expected, there were some unfavorable changes in blood pressure functioning due to the steroid use. However, taurine seemed to offset some of these changes, particularly with regard to systolic blood pressure changes. Of course, this is an early animal study. These results may not carry over to humans. Still, it all has to start somewhere. I’ll be keeping an eye for more on taurine and AAS use in the future.

1. Burch PT, Spigarelli MG, et al. Use of Oxandrolone to Promote Growth in Neonates following Surgery for Complex Congenital Heart Disease: An Open-Label Pilot Trial. Congenit Heart Dis 2016;Jun 3.
2. De Souza E, Lowery RP, et al. Effects of Arachidonic Acid Supplementation on Acute Anabolic Signaling and Chronic Functional Performance and Body Composition Adaptations. PLOS One 2016;May 16;11(5):e0155153.
3. Roşca AE, Stoian I, et al. Impact of chronic administration of anabolic androgenic steroids and taurine on blood pressure in rats. Braz J Med Biol Res 2016;49(6):e5116. Epub, 2016 May 31.
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