
Staff member
Moderator Pre contest Preperation Steroid Cycle For Cutting The Last 12 weeks prior to stepping on stage


You can visit Oral and Injectable Steroid Guide for a more complete understanding of these anabolic angrogenic steroids used in this cycle: Test P, Tren Acetate, and Masteron.

You can visit Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 – Studies – Stores – Publications for a better understanidng on IGF1 lr3 and why its an essential tool to have in your bodybuilding tool box.

Testosterone Propionate Lets say your stepping on stage at the end of the 12th week. So your going to want to start with 200mg every other day with propionate which is a shorter testosterone ester, and much easier to control bloat with than many other testosterone esters such as cypionate or enanthate. You likely have read countless times, that Testosterone is Testosterone, and one ester does not yield less bloat than any other ester, and i am here to tell you that is simply untrue! Testosterone Propionate does indeed yield far less spill over bloat and is much easier to keep the water in the muscle bellies where you want it!

Propionate is also the hands down choice for bodybuilders who like to stop their testosterone 7 to 10 days out from stepping on stage, as its much easier to control beings its a shorter ester.

Trenbolone Acetate at 75mg to 100 mg every other day is more than enough to help pack on muscle and cut fat and water during prep periods. I am personaly in the camp that likes to run my tren ace straight through the show, and yes I will take a shot as soon as i wake up on the day of the show, and have found it to be an amazing compound to use the day of the show! It can help sweat that last little bit of subcutaneous water out of your body if need be.

Masteron Bodybuilders have a strong like for non-aromatizing androgens, and find Masteron very useful in a cutting phase. It is generally used for a number of weeks prior to a competition, in an effort to bring out an improved look of density and hardness to the muscles. As long as body fat percentage is low enough, Masteron should work very well. Provided everything fits as if should, the user can achieve that “ripped” look so popular to professional bodybuilding.


[TD="width: 132"] Test Propionate [/TD]
[TD="width: 132"] Tren A [/TD]
[TD="width: 132"] Masteron [/TD]
[TD="width: 132"] IGF 1 lr3 [/TD]

[TD="width: 132"] 1-11 [/TD]
[TD="width: 132"] 200Mg/EOD [/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]

[TD="width: 132"] 1-12 [/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]
[TD="width: 132"] 100Mg/EOD [/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]

[TD="width: 132"] 1-11 [/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]
[TD="width: 132"] 100Mg/EOD [/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]

[TD="width: 132"] 1-12 [/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]
[TD="width: 132"][/TD]
[TD="width: 132"] 40mcgs ED [/TD]

[TD="width: 660, colspan: 5"] ED – every day, EOD – every other day


I use at ratio of 75 tren 75 test p
125 mast p ED
I drop prop to 40 later last 2 weeks

And IGF yes sir.
40mcg before bed does alot 3 days out week
And 60mcg prework or exhaust period at end of workout fasted then eat.

I am about to get to 5.5% bf pretty easy this way but I diet and work very hard on gym it requires pushing

Example I out work every guy and most gyms I go to. My intensity is way way far and beyond. I become something we have to put ourselves thru what makes us become what we seek!!!

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I stay lean through training as well, but through a slightly different mechanism i would say, as I train every set til failure, and when i use to prep for shows, i would do times rest intervals between those sets of failure. Talk about needing to pack extra gym shirts and towels lmao

Truth be told i was never a cardio guy much, only went crazy with cardio once pre contest andt was my first show ever, and i lost muscle doing so , as i wanted to come in shredded to fuck all, and i did, but lost some hard earned muscle, so after that i just always stayed in close proximity to show shape, or at least a hell of a lot closer then most guys do, as i never wanted to burn muscle like that again. It was also the first time i ever experienced smelling ammonia far too often! I had not a clue what ketosis was back then lmao, and i kept asking my wife if i smelled like ammonia , or stunk lol
I stay lean through training as well, but through a slightly different mechanism i would say, as I train every set til failure, and when i use to prep for shows, i would do times rest intervals between those sets of failure. Talk about needing to pack extra gym shirts and towels lmao

Truth be told i was never a cardio guy much, only went crazy with cardio once pre contest andt was my first show ever, and i lost muscle doing so , as i wanted to come in shredded to fuck all, and i did, but lost some hard earned muscle, so after that i just always stayed in close proximity to show shape, or at least a hell of a lot closer then most guys do, as i never wanted to burn muscle like that again. It was also the first time i ever experienced smelling ammonia far too often! I had not a clue what ketosis was back then lmao, and i kept asking my wife if i smelled like ammonia , or stunk lol

Bleach!! That is what I smell. And I sh8t u not I have sweated smelled the bleach and shirt was bleached!!
Some stuff can come out!!
I don't do "cardio" but I push tempo with weight.
I changed training due to age and tendon pain.
I gotta go about it different is all...
Bleach!! That is what I smell. And I sh8t u not I have sweated smelled the bleach and shirt was bleached!!
Some stuff can come out!!
I don't do "cardio" but I push tempo with weight.
I changed training due to age and tendon pain.
I gotta go about it different is all...

lmao yep, the collar of my gym shirts got to the point where no matter how many times washed they still smelled like ammonia so they got trashed, thankfully i have only gone into ketosis like that once really bad to point of ruining shirts
Thanks for the time you took but not too many people really know anything about contest prep in 2019 do they? Sorry man, im not attacking you what you wrote was the basic BS youll read anywhere. Problem is its not how guys prepare, at least top guys anymore. And alot of it would be detrimental.
First Ill say AIs like Arimidex, Aromesin, letro ect changed everything. Before AIs your article was much more accurate as you could not comtol estrogen bloat. So, like you said, a drug like test prop would always be the chouce because of the speed it is out of your system.However, using AIs this is no longer a concern you can keep your estrogen low no matter what drug you take. If its test E, cyp or prop it will make 0 difference. Same with pills like Anadrol, dbol. I know guys who use them 2 days. Before stepping on stage now. In the past you would stop them at around 2 weeks probably 3 out.There really isnt much else to say you didnt address this so it made your write up out of date since 1999. Im sorry man not trying to be a dick but if i see something thats off what am i supposed to do?

My precontest today would be something like an AI arim, aromesin or possibly letro and dose would increase as show came closer.

Any type of test(probably either E or cyp) 750 mg
50 mg anadrol
30 mg dbol
20mg halo
Tren ace 75 a day
Masteron prop 100 a day
T3 all depending on your metabism.(25-100, 100 mcg would be someone very slow metabolism)
If can afford it 4ius day hgh
Humilin R last week, not getting into details
Dyazide thurs night 1 tab, fri night 1 all depends what look like.
Always have lasix for an emergency but I usually wouldnt use it.
Would switch to letro 10 days out and take 1.25 a day up to day of contest nothing else changes drug wise.
That is exactly what i would do with a competitor, actually has been what Ive done with competitors today.

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There’s zero out of date in that article. And why is it every post you make starts off with how wrong someone or something else is?

I learned a long time ago that no matter how much you know or think you know, you never try coming off like a know it all, and there are countless posts here on how guys are doing things that do not jive with my personal bodybuilding or PED philosophy , but unless I see something that’s blatantly detrimental to the members health I don’t chime in like a dick.

And after you post “SAME OLD BULLSHIT” and “outdated since 99” and my favorite “that’s not how the top guys prepare” which is a two fold beauty, first of course let’s elude to your being one of the top guys, can’t not put that in lol Second , were not here to suggest only “Top Guys” cycles or prep. It would kill most of our members lol including myself.

This post of yours In a vacuum wouldn’t garner near this response from me and likely not one at all. However I remember your very first post here and the 28 in between this one.

And you my friend may be the smartest most well versed steroid cycle , PCT, Prep contest bodybuilder that ever graced the internet for all I know, but your ego sucks balls

I hope that did come off as me being a dick.
I started getting interested in steroids and what bodybuilding means over a year ago. This actually happened during the pandemic. As soon as the gyms were open, I went and became a gym rat. I dedicated all the time I had to research bodybuilding and the gym. I know there's a long way, but I'm thinking about starting taking steroids from I will be patient with the process and will always listen to my body. My PT said I should wait for a few more months, but my body is ready to look like Hulk's!