Anavar and dizziness


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
When I bump up over 30 mgs I get dizzy on var every time. Its not blood pressure. Anyone else experience this? I am just trying to figure out what may be the cause. I know its not very harsh and on 50 mgs winstrol I didn't get that feeling.
That's the first I've heard of a side like that. Can you tell it's really doing something in the way of gains? Bump for anyone else who has used var.
It was the last time I took it. I was considering taking it again but wasn't sure if I was just anomalous or if it happens to several people
yeah I've never heard of that bro, maybe it was bad anavar lol, or could be something else you were taking and not realizing it, but no I've never heard of this
I can tell you matter of fact that you don't have bad var, but that this happens to some people. I'm on a phone so I'll be brief. My buddy had this happen to him. I tried it and the same thing happened to me. It wasn't blood sugar or bg bc I checked. Literally took one serving and thought I was going to fall over. What's weird is he boiling point tested and it was real and then let a friend try it and he used 100 mg ed into a contest for 3 months no problems. I think this may have to do with potassium bc var strips potassium. My potassium is always low in bloodwork and so was my buddies who had the problem and it's a common genetic thing. That could be your problem. Supplement with potassium and drink powerade zero throughout the day. If that doesn't work, Try a havoc / hdrol stack for similar results to high dose var. those never made me dizzy.
I can tell you matter of fact that you don't have bad var, but that this happens to some people. I'm on a phone so I'll be brief. My buddy had this happen to him. I tried it and the same thing happened to me. It wasn't blood sugar or bg bc I checked. Literally took one serving and thought I was going to fall over. What's weird is he boiling point tested and it was real and then let a friend try it and he used 100 mg ed into a contest for 3 months no problems. I think this may have to do with potassium bc var strips potassium. My potassium is always low in bloodwork and so was my buddies who had the problem and it's a common genetic thing. That could be your problem. Supplement with potassium and drink powerade zero throughout the day. If that doesn't work, Try a havoc / hdrol stack for similar results to high dose var. those never made me dizzy.

I never would have thought of the Potassium issue. Good call bro