Anavar why so costly!!!!!


New member
I'm sure I'll regret this but , why the hell is anavar so damn expensive.
Is it because it stacks well or low issues with side???
I just dont get it most places have 10mgtabs 50 per bottle @ around 70$
So if my math is right thats only a 10 day supply @ 50mg perday.
So if you only ran a 6wk cycle @ 50 a day that 280 +++ depending where you purchase.
I know the answer will be something simply and straight forward it just seems abit crazy.
I agree, its economics and functionality. Supply and demand and the fact anavar is a great product, almost no sides and you can actually use it for very long periods of time. There many pros to it but here is one aspect that many don't know. Var has been around for a long time, however uses of it in legal medicine are limited to burn victims and other issues. There is not enough demand for it and its costly to produce. So when its made and sold on the BM the price can be manipulated to meet the demand of the supplier not their client. Bottom line, everyone wants it so price is high.
Sucks huh?
Yeah see I think tahts bull shit butI do understand that supply and demand pretty much ruyns the pricing on everything.
I still thinks its crap but what you gonna do lolol
I hear ya man. Var is a great compound but so costly to run at an effective dose. Not to mention how often it's faked with other steroids like winny end even dbol! I mean, who wouldn't be able to tell after a week that their var is actually dbol? thats why some labs stick around and others go under. PSL's been around for a while for that very reason.
In powder form its easy to tell one is a powder like flour and the other is crystalline like salt. In tab form yes, its hard to tell and that's a good point..How do you know after they already have your money your getting what they say you are?
In powder form its easy to tell one is a powder like flour and the other is crystalline like salt. In tab form yes, its hard to tell and that's a good point..How do you know after they already have your money your getting what they say you are?

Right is there a in home test like say umm cocaine. Desolve tab and add some chemical X add look for a certain color??
That would be sweet

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which is which I really have very little experience with raws?
That test shows if the chemical is present even if its a very little amount. it does not show how much. Its like putting a grain of salt in a glass of water testing it for the presence of salt and it showing positive and saying the water has salt in it at 50mg/ml..

Unfortunately the only way to tell is try the products and hope what they say is true. Good luck
Nice info though....

Var = Crystalline, salt or sugar look to it

Winny and Dbol = Fine powder, flour consistency
Anavar powder is very hard to work with as well to make into a liquid oral, i got some before and it clumps up really bad compared to other products made into orals.
Anavar powder is very hard to work with as well to make into a liquid oral, i got some before and it clumps up really bad compared to other products made into orals.

Only way to get it to work even half way right is to grind it to the finest powder you can. And, even then its tuff
Austin is correct! I really had to work to get mine fine enough for mixing to achieve the proper dosage, and I still am not sure that I got it right....
I have finally just gave up on Oral Anavar solutions. Just cap it and be done. But, back on topic, its extremely expensive. Right up there with Masteron. Although, it is a nice choice for our ladies. My fiancé loves a nice run with some good Var... ;)
I agree, its economics and functionality. Supply and demand and the fact anavar is a great product, almost no sides and you can actually use it for very long periods of time. There many pros to it but here is one aspect that many don't know. Var has been around for a long time, however uses of it in legal medicine are limited to burn victims and other issues. There is not enough demand for it and its costly to produce. So when its made and sold on the BM the price can be manipulated to meet the demand of the supplier not their client. Bottom line, everyone wants it so price is high.
Sucks huh?
If that's the case then why is test still so cheap? Everyone wants test and it's the staple of every cycle. Shouldn't the demand cause the price to skyrocket as well?
If that's the case then why is test still so cheap? Everyone wants test and it's the staple of every cycle. Shouldn't the demand cause the price to skyrocket as well?

Its 100 times cheaper to produce and its everywhere. Supply is plentiful but if you decreased the supply severely the price would skyrocket.
Anavar has very few medical uses and is not mass produced. Test is mass produced as its the base in many anabolics and many medical uses including TRT.

I saw that we were producing anavar at 6$ a gram. I looked into it and found out it was a quick cheap production that wasn't pure but we sold it for 16$ a gram
and im sure distribution knew it wasn't going to medical establishments.

Test was mass produced and went everywhere in the world. Its also used to make other compounds. The supply is great and the demand matches it, plus its cheap to produce.
Var is not as plentiful but the supply is great and its costly to produce.

I see your skepticism but its true
lol i believe you 100%, I just wasn't sure if there were other factors involved. Do you predict an increase in underground synthesizing of oxandrolone in the future possibly lowering the price?
With a good chemist and the necessary chemicals becoming cheaper, yes. Until then I don't see it happening.
I love my Var lime coconut flavored and smooth. Suspends great.

People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.