

because anavar has no effect on the bodys natural test production would it be ok to run through pct?? what would a good dose be??
anavar does effect test level when taken at the doses used to ensure gains
I know this is a common misconception by many others beside yourself

it depends on the dose you were thinking of taking

is it that you do not want to come off , if so how long have you been using etc..

and what are your goals

to answer simply it is not ok to take during pct at doses over 10-15 mgs depending on weight and what supplements you were using prior

it really depends on alot of factors how well do you bounce back after a cycle and what was your previous cycle like and what compounds did it consist off.

as far as dosing for AVAR goes on cycle I have gone up to 100mgs dly

on a light (suppossed pct) I will generally use around 20mgs

but even that can suppress the bodys own test production but in a minimal amount

but my experience with supplements is shall we say more extensive than others
I see mixed review of anavar, while I have read it to be safe it is also a-17 linked, possible liver stress may or can occur therefore. I heard yes and no from different sources. I would take a break between cycles but if you want to continue an anabolic I would recommend primo depot, it is very clean. If you want to take anavar after a cycle as to help keep gains I would end the cycle for at least 3 weeks unless it was just pills and then take no anavar at all. Depends what you come off.
my last cycle was sustanon, deca, and parabolin. all average doses not really high. i just wanted to add the var to keep some gains. i would keep it at a low dose 20mg.
im also running nolva and clomid and igf for pct. so you think at a low dose it will be alright
ive already started the nolva,clomid, and igf. so you think ill be alright at 40mg or should i use a different dose. the var will keep some of my gains right??
If You Are Only Looking To Help Maintain Gains The Igf Will Be An Excellent Addition

Jth250 Just Be Upfront Is That You Do Not Wish To Come Off??

Do Not Worry About Being Judged Everyone Has There Opinion But To Truely Help You --you Have To Be Honest If You Are Wanting To Bridge Which Is What I Believe You Are Actually Asking

Because If It Was Just Wanting To Maintain Gains Igf Will Do Most Of That With The Pct

40mgs Dly Will Surpress Test Production Despite What Anyone Tells You --trust Me On This I Know For A Fact

As Far As Liver Toxicity It Is True Avar Can Stress The Liver But With Ample Water Intake It Is Highly Unlikely Unless The Dose Exceeds 75-100 Mgs For An Extended Period Of Time
Highly Unlikely Not Impossible

I Would Have To Side With Glen On His Choice For Bridging Primo
One Of My Favorites Not Just For Bridging But Included In Many Of My Cycles

If You Want Bridge Or Even Maintain Gains A Safer Although More Costly Method Would Be Primo 200mgs-400mgs --you Do Only Have One Body So Cost Should Not Be Your Main Consideration---depending On Your Stats And History With Supplements Would Be An Excellent Choice To Maintain Even And A Small Amount Of Quality Muscle During Pct

I Personally Love Igf And Primo 600mgs Weekly
That Is My Down Time 3-4weeks Igf 100-120mcg Dly And 400-600mg Primo Wkly

Now That Is Mine And As I Have Said I Have Alot Of Experience In This Game

How Long Was Your Last Cycle And How Do You Normally Respond To Pct

Quickly??? Of A Few Weeks To Get The Boys Back In Shape
And How High Did You Go On Last Cycle Average Doses Range For Everyone So Just Spit It Out If You Really Need The Help
i guess bridging would be the right word to use. my last cycle was 10 weeks 500mg/sest, 300mg/deca, and250mg/parabolin. ive been off for a few weeks now.
sence i started the igf ive lost about 6lbs. i do look alot leaner. i seem to be responding great to pct
Ive read a few studies were anavar was actually helpful at regenerating the liver and theres documented use on people with liver cirossis (SP?)
body2see said:
Cyphons many circumstances Anavar is used for liver regeneration in persons with liver disorders or diseases such as Hepatitis. It is commonly used in persons with lowered immune system disorders, i.e HIV, AIDS,etc, etc... I would imagine that it would have to be run at a low dose for this to occur though.

Right now, I am still in the middle of running an anavar experiment with a client. 20mgs per day, and full blood work will be posted. 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off, and 4 more on. So we will see how this amount effects liver, test, and HPTA functions.

Awesome! Id love to see the results. I hope you can post that info here or a link too it when available.
var will cause suppression and will make recovery during PCT harder. if you want to take the var, then when you finish your cycle do your PCT. Once your PCT is concluded THEN start taking the var. if you wanna minimize suppression due to the var, i would probably stick around 20mg/day or less (might even wanna take it all at once when you wake up)
thats what ive been using. i dont think i see much of anything from it. i dont want to take anymore than 20 due to that fack. ive still been hitting the clomid
I always use anavar at the end. It is one of the orals that does not do hardly any damage to the liver and it also helps it. 20mg's a day. Bro shit makes you strong too when at the end.
I'm a firm about this. keeps your gains too. MM
ive been at the 20mg and havent really saw a strength increce at all. but to only loose a rep or 2 after a cycle isnt to bad in my book. bodyweight went from 215 to 207-8 and 8.5% to 7-7.5%. not to shabby
This is very interesting, you don't happen to know where one of these studies is posted?

I had just talked to someone who was using Androlic/test combo and had this severe outbreak of acne on his back-the doctor told him it was because the steroids were toxic on his liver (and that the acne was actually due to the stress on the liver- the livers functionality was deteroated making toxins build-up in his system-leading to the acne, and that was more the reason for the acne than just the oily skin side-effect) so he quit all steroids and hasn't used for 6 months, now he's ready to start again and asked me what I thought would be easier on the liver-I told him that all the liver problems he had were due to the Androlic and not the test and that he should try small (30mg) doses on anavar to start because it's much-less liver toxic and if thats going OK to add some test..maybe I should have just advised him to only use inj. steroids..?

but anyways now I'm reading that not only does anavar not hurt the liver but it actually regenerates it.. :thumbsup:

anavar is defenently worth it, some people complain that it's too expensive vs the size gains-but it's safety and health benefits make it tops :)

Cyphon said:
Ive read a few studies were anavar was actually helpful at regenerating the liver and theres documented use on people with liver cirossis (SP?)
I'm on it right now (anavar only)-That is exactly what I experience at the beginning (1st & 2nd day) of an anavar only cycle, except for the decrease in appetite-don't really remember getting that, but I did notice slight discomfort in the skin on 1st and 2nd day, and the 1 st night couldn't get to sleep-that was a bit ruff, the second night was able to sleep a little and by the 3rd day/night the drug is making me feel good (sleep well and more mellow during the day-not preoccupied with girls/sex but when I do have sex-it's better because I can go longer and the climax lasts longer) and the performance at the gym and when running is increased, I notice muscle hardness 2 days into it and size gains about 6 days into it..should also note that I don't have many steroid cycles under my belt

Feeling slightly warm about an hour after consumption.
Heart slightly racing an hour after consumption.
Resting heart rate went from 67 BPM to 90BPM.
User reports feeling an easier time gaining a pump.
Decrease in appetite throughout the day.
Slight headache
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