and life screws me again


New member
I was in peru planning on doing an 8 week test E cycle while I was there. Well I was sent home early. Got the gear home but no Pins. I did pin .5ml while I was in peru and haven't pinned since. On top of that. the last day I was in Peru I got food poisoning and some kind of flu. I'm just now getting over the flu part.

SO now i have I ordered a box a pins and got them a couple days ago. I have all my gear as well as PCT in place.

so now I'm starting over. Here's what I'm thinking.

Since Test E should be used for a bulking cycle and I'm in dire need of some recomp/cutting. I want to loose 10-15 pounds.

I'm thinking of using HGH FRAG 176-191 and some liquid Clen for the next 4-6 weeks to hopefully loose the 10 lbs. and a bunch of fat. Then start TEST E cycle? I order 20mg frag and some liquid Clen today. should get it by Thursday this week I would guess.

Should I just run All 3 as one full recomp cycle or should I wait to start the test?

Thanks for all your help guys.
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I don't understand the idea of "recomp". Muscle is muscle and fat is fat. If you want to build muscle and burn fat then your diet needs to be pretty spot on and you need to do cardio. The only "supplement" I've ever used that helps build muscle mass while simultaneously allowing a change in glucose metabolism aiding in fat loss is MC IGF. That being said nothing beats the stair stepper and a spot on diet.
I don't understand the idea of "recomp". Muscle is muscle and fat is fat. If you want to build muscle and burn fat then your diet needs to be pretty spot on and you need to do cardio. The only "supplement" I've ever used that helps build muscle mass while simultaneously allowing a change in glucose metabolism aiding in fat loss is MC IGF. That being said nothing beats the stair stepper and a spot on diet.
Diet and cardio worked for me, too!