androgel ?


New member
A buddy of mine has a script for the gel but he thinks he's losing to much in the transdermal and wants to convert to a injectable. has anybody heard of this and or can it be done? thanks guys
I'm not sure it could be done by the average Joe. Why not just buy the powder? its af ew dollars a gram. Or even have him tell the doc the gel irrates his skin or smoe BS like that and get him to write a script for the injectable.
No you can not take the test out of the gel..... I have had great results with Gels before and have gotten just about the same gains as with injectables....... Stick to the script and use the Gel you want liquid then purchase it as liquid.........
i would only use the gel if i ran out of KY for me and the women...get some real test bud
irishpride said:
i would only use the gel if i ran out of KY for me and the women...get some real test bud

IP stop lying. Just because there is a school girl uniform involved doesn't mean its a woman.
brew said:
IP stop lying. Just because there is a school girl uniform involved doesn't mean its a woman.
thats true but you did squeal like a little girl...ohh well...LOL