Androgenics vs. Anabolics


BigZ MC Site Admin
Here's a thought..

I was just reading an earlier post that looked to be an article titled "Is Testosterone My Problem?" and it mentions how as men age, we get more fat around the midsection, hair thins on top, hair grows in other unwanted place, blah blah blah, etc., and although the post was more a plug to get people to go to the poster's link in his signature, it got me thinking a bit.

It took me about 12 years to get myself from 130 lbs to almost 220. I used a lot of test during that time (highest dose was around 1.5g/week) and perhaps a few small cycles of stronger anabolic compounds like tren. A couple of years later and after my gastric issues (had my gallbladder out) I'm currently on a dose of 400mg/week of just test which started about 4 months ago, and yet, I feel like I'm not really responding to it like I used to. Not to say I can't feel it because I can definitely feel it—much different than only 200mg. Only, I remember when I did cycles of 400-500mg during that earlier 12 years, I feel like I got more out of it then. (Diet is pretty much the same with just being careful not to consume too much fat at one time.)

So some of you older guys heading into your 40s, see what you think. My theory: the older we get, we don't respond as well to androgenics when trying to build muscle, and we need more anabolics. I would bet that as we get older, to build muscle, perhaps more anabolic compounds should be used with a base of test. Since I'm planning my next cycle, maybe keeping test at my dose of 400mg/week is all I need and just add in tren ace at 150-300mg/week. I'm giving it some serious thought.
Most guys in the early days responded very well to low test, high anabolics or at least low test + high something else. This is in bbing and powerlifting.
Here's a thought..

I was just reading an earlier post that looked to be an article titled "Is Testosterone My Problem?" and it mentions how as men age, we get more fat around the midsection, hair thins on top, hair grows in other unwanted place, blah blah blah, etc., and although the post was more a plug to get people to go to the poster's link in his signature, it got me thinking a bit.

It took me about 12 years to get myself from 130 lbs to almost 220. I used a lot of test during that time (highest dose was around 1.5g/week) and perhaps a few small cycles of stronger anabolic compounds like tren. A couple of years later and after my gastric issues (had my gallbladder out) I'm currently on a dose of 400mg/week of just test which started about 4 months ago, and yet, I feel like I'm not really responding to it like I used to. Not to say I can't feel it because I can definitely feel it—much different than only 200mg. Only, I remember when I did cycles of 400-500mg during that earlier 12 years, I feel like I got more out of it then. (Diet is pretty much the same with just being careful not to consume too much fat at one time.)

So some of you older guys heading into your 40s, see what you think. My theory: the older we get, we don't respond as well to androgenics when trying to build muscle, and we need more anabolics. I would bet that as we get older, to build muscle, perhaps more anabolic compounds should be used with a base of test. Since I'm planning my next cycle, maybe keeping test at my dose of 400mg/week is all I need and just add in tren ace at 150-300mg/week. I'm giving it some serious thought.

i don't know testosterone works good for me still, and I've never used a lot of anabolics , usually the high androgenic tests for me over the years, but maybe i would grow a lot better if i used some highly anabolic steroids now, hmmm lol
I've heard of a lot of guys that use small amounts of test as a baseline 500mg/week and then overload on everything else

guess it depends on the person
Im not 40 uet but I do have some input. Ive felt very much the same issue your havimg even at running 700 a week cyp. I run my own labs and have found that the test is working as designed, raising rbc level and h&h. So its working but yes it feels different these days. My guess is that since your body changes with age so should your dose and diet. Maybe you should change your diet a little at a time to see how you will respond to the test your already taking. Ive noticed the more carbs I eat the more the test makes me feel bigger more swole. But I still dont get the raging labido I once did nor the rage. It mor so makes me into a better mood than when I run low.
I just started trying this a couple of weeks ago. Lower test and high Masteron since I don't do well with Tren.... Age 42

We shall see...;)
High anabolics is the way to go. Young and old. I'm 28 and run gear this way.
My first cycle was Sustanon 250mg/wk and Dbol at 30 mg/day. I went from 250lbs to 275 lbs in one month. Some of my gym buddies, who were taking the new (at the time) Androstenediol were coming up to me and saying WTF are you on. As we all know, the first cycle is unquestionably the best. Anyway, on subsequent cycles over the years I upped the test to as much as 1.6 g's per week, but I never got the results of that first cycle. I am still trying to chase it 18 years
My first cycle was Sustanon 250mg/wk and Dbol at 30 mg/day. I went from 250lbs to 275 lbs in one month. Some of my gym buddies, who were taking the new (at the time) Androstenediol were coming up to me and saying WTF are you on. As we all know, the first cycle is unquestionably the best. Anyway, on subsequent cycles over the years I upped the test to as much as 1.6 g's per week, but I never got the results of that first cycle. I am still trying to chase it 18 years

Just being 250 sounds nice to me. Never been able to get over 220. Undoubtedly, the first cycle is the best. My first usage actually wasn't a cycle but HRT, but it was high enough to be one, 300mg/week, and got me 30 lbs in 3 months. Couldn't buy the clothes fast enough before outgrowing them. Would love to do that again.
Just being 250 sounds nice to me. Never been able to get over 220. Undoubtedly, the first cycle is the best. My first usage actually wasn't a cycle but HRT, but it was high enough to be one, 300mg/week, and got me 30 lbs in 3 months. Couldn't buy the clothes fast enough before outgrowing them. Would love to do that again.
i need your doctor